Busy Busy Busy

Apr 20, 2009
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Well folks after 6 long years starting my own company we are at last going away for 7 whole nights on a trot.
but what fun it was getting here after having to book late due to health appointments etc etc.
Decided we wanted to go East - Kent the garden of England, my oh my you try and get a late booking for the 7 days, nope the ones I tried
had all weekends booked so no full weeks available. Then decided we didn't want to drive for nearly 6 hours and started looking in Herefordshire , approx 2.5 to 3.0 hours.
Again 3 or 4 sites we tried no weekend's, so finally settled for the C&CC site in Hereford, at least we know what we will get.
Off on our jolly's tomorrow - get you brollys at the ready!!!
PS Its not a FSP so can someone tell my wife she will have to use the site showers or get her own water!!
Nov 16, 2015
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Well folks after 6 long years starting my own company we are at last going away for 7 whole nights on a trot.
but what fun it was getting here after having to book late due to health appointments etc etc.
Decided we wanted to go East - Kent the garden of England, my oh my you try and get a late booking for the 7 days, nope the ones I tried
had all weekends booked so no full weeks available. Then decided we didn't want to drive for nearly 6 hours and started looking in Herefordshire , approx 2.5 to 3.0 hours.
Again 3 or 4 sites we tried no weekend's, so finally settled for the C&CC site in Hereford, at least we know what we will get.
Off on our jolly's tomorrow - get you brollys at the ready!!!
PS Its not a FSP so can someone tell my wife she will have to use the site showers or get her own water!!
No one is that Brave to the wifey. Enjoy your trip, which site will you be at. ?
We found the same two weeks ago , just wanted 4 days away. But of course school holidays etc.
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Apr 20, 2009
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No one is that Brave to the wifey. Enjoy your trip, which site will you be at. ?
We found the same two weeks ago , just wanted 4 days away. But of course school holidays etc.
You could tell the wifey for me Hutch.
Staying at the Hereford Camping & caravanning club site.
Its in Hereford in case you havent worked it out. :rolleyes:
Apr 20, 2009
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Here's a bonus, on site bar and some music to chill with last night, very pleasant.
View attachment 5517
What a distant memory that was, seems ages ago.
Well folks didnt manage the full 7 nights !
Due to severe back pain, struggling to get around every day, hardly sleeping due to the back and torrential rain and winds I'd had enough I stuck it out for 6 nights and gave in. ( I did say in my first post get your brollies at the ready!!)
Took the awning down on the Monday due to wind and noise, neighbour's on site who were a very nice couple saw us struggling taking it down and the gent came out and assisted us, he was nearly 80!!! Nice to know there is still people there to help when you are in need, thank you young man!!
Oh on my return rang for a physio appointment for the back pain, next available ............December!!
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Mar 17, 2007
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Sorry your trip wasn’t so great. We came back from Keswick today, also a day early before the next tranche of rain blew in. Probably the most consistently wet and windy 10 days we have ever done in the van. Not a single entirely dry day, and most days it rained all day. Curiously OH also developed a really bad back, and could do very little. This lead to the rarely sighted “ woman emptying the toilet” 😲.
Hope your back settles soon. My late mother was a physio and her advice was to get yourself into as pain free position as possible and stay there. This is probably contrary to what is advised these days; but it works for OH.


Nov 12, 2009
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What a distant memory that was, seems ages ago.
Well folks didnt manage the full 7 nights !
Due to severe back pain, struggling to get around every day, hardly sleeping due to the back and torrential rain and winds I'd had enough I stuck it out for 6 nights and gave in. ( I did say in my first post get your brollies at the ready!!)
Took the awning down on the Monday due to wind and noise, neighbour's on site who were a very nice couple saw us struggling taking it down and the gent came out and assisted us, he was nearly 80!!! Nice to know there is still people there to help when you are in need, thank you young man!!
Oh on my return rang for a physio appointment for the back pain, next available ............December!!
Sorry to learn that your holiday was cut short Kev.
I don't normally discuss health issues on the forum, but a chat with your GP on the phone might help.
After experiencing severe back pains during our last couple of caravan outings, I contacted my GP who sent me for an ultrasound scan on my back and stomach.
The back pains are so severe that I have to use my mobility scooter to get round the caravan steadies and water/ ehu connections to set up.
It turns out that kidney stones are causing the back problems.
They're too big to pass naturally, so I'm waiting for another appointment to get the stones sorted.
Give your doctor a ring and ask for a scan, you never know.
Jul 18, 2017
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What a distant memory that was, seems ages ago.
Well folks didnt manage the full 7 nights !
Due to severe back pain, struggling to get around every day, hardly sleeping due to the back and torrential rain and winds I'd had enough I stuck it out for 6 nights and gave in. ( I did say in my first post get your brollies at the ready!!)
Took the awning down on the Monday due to wind and noise, neighbour's on site who were a very nice couple saw us struggling taking it down and the gent came out and assisted us, he was nearly 80!!! Nice to know there is still people there to help when you are in need, thank you young man!!
Oh on my return rang for a physio appointment for the back pain, next available ............December!!
I have been paying privately a chiropractic every time my back flares up as cannot near living with the pain that long. Normally can see them within a day or two and it is drug free which is a bonus.

They have sorted out my issue every time using acupuncture and massage. You should try it. Normally about £45 a session, but worth every penny. However yoru back pain may be different to mine, but it is still worth the inquiry. They are generally not registered with the NHS due to it being an alternative medication.
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Jun 20, 2005
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OMG! We really feel for you Kev and Mags . The long awaited holiday and a wash out. At least you had some premium time together even though it was wet. Next time we meet we need to exorcise the Rainmaster and turn you into the Sunshine Kid🤪.
Being ill when away is a real stressor. Terri spent 3 days out of it last week with a migraine. Didn’t matter as it rained all three days.
As Parksy says there are different causes of back ache. I’ve always found a few sessions with our Osteopath works wonders. The shoulder I see our local Physio £55 per hour and again worth every penny. Both are hands on and do manipulate the bits that need treatment. Oh well Kev, get fixed and let’s think about the spring trips.
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Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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The joys of old age - aches and pains.

When my wife was waiting for her second hip replacement she would get bad muscle ache, so we bought a TENS machine. While it doesn't cure the problem it did provide some relief. We do a lot of hard garden work and still get the occassional ache here and there and a few sessions with the TENS machine usually gets rid of the aches.

We're very fortunate here on Skye with a Medical Centre just a few minutes away. You can make a self referal to the Physio that visits there and its not a very long wait. She'll go over the problem and suggest some exercises or make a referal for a more in depth session for which we don't have to wait long for.
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Nov 16, 2015
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What a bunch some of us are, had to go to our Urgent care, unit at MK hospital last Monday morning for back pain, thankfully two weeks worth of Naproxen. Three days later all good.
Which was great as I have spent the last day under the Santa Fe getting this Parking brake module out.
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Apr 20, 2009
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Thanks for all your replies, concerns and advice, much appreciated.
First port of call tomorrow will be a call to my GP surgery and then
wait for a doc to ring me back, normally same day , here's hoping.

Mel, your sister must have been on the Hereford site we were on,
she too was at the Elsan point, (y)
hope Roger is getting sorted and on the mend.
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Apr 20, 2009
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Sorry to learn that your holiday was cut short Kev.
I don't normally discuss health issues on the forum, but a chat with your GP on the phone might help.
After experiencing severe back pains during our last couple of caravan outings, I contacted my GP who sent me for an ultrasound scan on my back and stomach.
The back pains are so severe that I have to use my mobility scooter to get round the caravan steadies and water/ ehu connections to set up.
It turns out that kidney stones are causing the back problems.
They're too big to pass naturally, so I'm waiting for another appointment to get the stones sorted.
Give your doctor a ring and ask for a scan, you never know.
Thanks Parksy, hope you get sorted really soon.
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