Calor chance !!

Mar 17, 2012
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we all know what should be happening with calor lite...But is anybody having success at getting some new bottles, ive been waiting for two months now and my stockist still cannot get any ! Is anybody else having this problem ? its nearly the start of the season and im still without gas...i have been offered the chance to exchange them with standard 6 kg bottles but thats not the point , the Lite bottles cost me a small fortune last year !


May 7, 2005
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Can it be few people are camping over winter, so not a lot of returns are coming in, thus few can be refilled?

If so come Easter the bottles might start coming in?
But if those bringing their empties back can't get a replacement Lite, are they going to keep it or settle for a heavy 6 kgs?

I went BP Light the 10kgs size, so it is not an issue and I prefer the product.
Mar 8, 2009
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Changed 3 here month or two ago, they said they had not had a problem getting them in.
C Dawson Calor Gas
James Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8LS
01652 652263
Nov 6, 2005
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I went to exchange a couple none in stock, said they wouldn't take them as they couldn't guarantee when they would get stock and couldn't save them for me, so im carrying on using the gas that's in them. Whats the point of having a recall when you cant fulfill what is already out there and not bothered about taking the ones that are?
Mar 14, 2005
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Contact Calor and complain about the your specific situation. Its Calor that running the recall not the dealers so they need to be told when and where the programme is failing.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello again,
When I suggested contacting Calor direct I was referring to the head office. I suspect that your 'Calor center' is a local private company who is franchised to sell Calor products.

In correspondence I have had with Calor head Office, it became clear that head office were not really in control of their outlets, and despite having announced the recall, they did not seem to understand the mixed messages their announcements had caused, where some 'dealers' were not following the protocols laid down by head office in responding to customers requests for exchanges following the public announcement.

Calor think they may have a problem with some of the affected batch, but in reality they don't know how many if any are actually affected, The problem is that if only one is affected, they can't predict when it may fail. To be honest I was not impressed with their apparent lack of concern with the progress of their recall.

If you do not get any positive response from Calor head office, I suggest you contact Warwickshire Trading Standards who are apparently working with Calor to monitor the recall. Calor as owners of the bottles, are legally responsible for the condition of the stock they hire out.
Mar 14, 2005
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emmerson said:
Is it really worth the hassle just to save a few kilos?
I'll stick to my tried and trusted 6kg propane, thank you.
For those with limited noseweight capacity yes it can be worth it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Anyone in South Somerset or Dorset having problems try the Calor Depot on Gibbs Marsh trading estate near Stalbridge.


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