CAMC booking!

Jul 18, 2017
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I cancelled a booking about 6 weeks ago and got back the deposit. Yesterday I got a reminder of the booking and when going to the site the booking was still there so cancelled again. Today another reminder about our upcoming booking and going to the website is back on. I have now cancelled it again for the third time so lets see what happens tomorrow!
Nov 11, 2009
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Seems as if their system may not have recovered from the recent “down” that affected them so badly. A phone call should sort it.
Jul 18, 2017
Visit site
When I got the reminder about 2 weeks ago, I definitely remember cancelling. When I went through the cancellation process again yesterday I noticed that there were extra steps that one had to do to cancel. To cancel the booking a deposit of £0.00 was required and you need to click "Confirm". No longer a simple matter of cancelling so possibility I missed the extra steps?

Digging further through emails I found two bookings with the same reference number for the same period of time. Issued on the same day, but 10 minutes apart. I thought that you could not double book? However the cancellation email has the same booking reference number so hopefully all sorted.


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