Camping and Caravan Club Insurance

Mar 14, 2005
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My Insurance is coming up for renewal and I needed to inform the C&CC that there were a couple of changes which included that I had been on the CC Manuovering course and recieved a compleation certificate. On speaking to them they did NOT recognise the CC course and would not apply the 5% discount.They only recognise the C&CC course.

So much for the friendly Club!!!

Not a happy bunny BEWARE

Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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It is a California
I think that the start date is from when the forum began in one incarnation
Several people have that start date
I used to be JohnG until someone else started to use the same name hence Watson --my middle name in real life
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John,
That's logical.
Both been about on the site for some time, I used to use my proper name for quite some time, then started to get abuse, so changed the name to the current title. Any way as I said is the image a Bailey Senator California or are my dimming eyes fading or is it the scotch.
We bought our California from North Staffs,so we are not that far away in the sunny republic of Cheshire

Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry John.
I did not see your opening reply,hic,hic.
How long have you had the California and what do you think and have you done any modifications
Von Ryan
We love ours but had to apply a few tweaks
Mar 14, 2005
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We really like it but have of coarse tweeked a bit:
Omnistor 2000 3m canopy screwed on the side
Maxview Semitronic dish on roof and into locker over the bed nearest the toilet door
2nd TV back to back with the 1st one
Fire grill mod as before
Drawer chest/flip over table at the front
Rear view camera
Front road lights fitted at lower level etc
Strip light over the front chest
Bigger water tank with submersible tank fill pump with low level light and gauge
Door on the cutlery unit reversed to open flat across the cooker front
Shoe locker door inside main door under seat locker
Motor mover(of course!)
Extract fan to fridge vent
Plywood floor in gas locker
To mention just a few !!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John.
Sorry for the delay, but was out at a dinner last night and did not get home till 10.45, so no chance to check the forum.
We have gone for the Isabella route and Sunflair 390. Both are great and fit well,in fact the Isabella is superb! I see what you pay for.Still using a tripod for the Sat system, but I do find the Lidl free Sat box great and all hard wired in. Where you have done the fire grill wh have installed a drawer after checking with Bailey that it was not a Safty issue rather than a cost implication due to shape, any way a drawer front was obtained from Bailey and a joiner friend did the rest. The front chest is a must and ours came out of our series 6 Burgundy and had the handles replaced to match the Senator. Extractors to the fridge unit vents, LED lighting over the bed,below the cupboards,Motor Mover.Omnivent replaced with mini Heki, extra shelves in the lower sections of the bedroom wardrobes, I am really intrested in the cutlery unit reversed to open across the cooker front and the front road lights fitted to a lower level.Other wise a great van. Oh and one other thing is Lakeland do a suction bathroom soap, gel razor holder that does NOT fall off made from polycarb and stainless steel which is great in the shower for all the bits and bob's

Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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I got a suction wire basket for in the shower from Wilkinsons but it did fall off but not far as I had a nylon tie round the shower fitting
After a few attempts I drilled the wall and use rubber Rawlbolts to fix and seal it
I thought that the original California had a drawer unit but that it was dropped because of heat distortion and in case people stored aerosols etc above the heat source
But if it suits your purpose that's what matters

Here's another DIY mod
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John
As utensils are stored in there its not a problem.Bailey never released the California with a drawer in that location. I can see their thoughts that someone might place an aerosol in there or tea towels hung from the front of the drawer to dry them by the heater is a fire risk, but you would think there would be an element of common sence, but there again whats that common about sence nowadays in the blame and claim culture! I like the mod above, but the wife never got round to doing the profile you have done. With the Isabella there are 2 figure of 8 tubes that support the lower caravan seal to the upper area, very similar to your own. I can only presume that Isabella for that size awning include two in case it's a twin axle. I ended up using the pop studs supplied and mixing a twin pack epoxy resin to fix them in place,rather than drilling the body work.
A little messy and smelly, but worth the effort. Nice mod that you have done though. The next project is to get the caraven cover modified so we can have the van in storage and keep the battery fully charged by means of a clear,flexilble panel that allows sunlight in and protect the van at the same time. I picked up some flexible perspex for awnings from JR leisure in Wigan today while passing, approx 1 meter long by 1/2 meter wide (Sorry 3'3"long x 19"wide if you were brought up in feet, inches and 1/8"s as I was) for the front panel so I can have the solar panel in the front,middle lower window section keep the battery for the tracker and alarm fully charged.
Hope the wifes sewing machine is up to it


Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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I have recently renewed my insurance with C&CC as they were cheapest quote. Have not been on any caravan manouvre course as they are all held abroad (England). Neither club hold a course in Wales or anywhere near enough for a day out with the van in tow. Damned if I am going to set up on site and then take every thing down and packed away to spend a day on a course. Caravanning for over 40 years so I think I now know a bit about it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Nice to see a reply on topic
I replied and was interested in what was being said about Senator mods hoping that someone would say off topic so that I could then raise the issue of a messaging link so that then like minded people could have a conversation such as the above on the Senator when they felt the need
The drawer was shown in the catalogue and my dealer told me that it was dropped because of heat distortion of the drawer
As a matter of interest here is a pic from the early brochure


Nov 12, 2009
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WatsonJohnG said:
...... hoping that someone would say off topic so that I could then raise the issue of a messaging link so that then like minded people could have a conversation such as the above on the Senator when they felt the need....
The o.p. took the thread off topic so it wasn't exactly hijacked. The best place to raise the issue of a messaging link is in the Our Website section where it will be seen by John Duncan who will provide an answer.
Have you seen the request from Practical Caravan magazine editor Nigel Donnelly for details of good modifications to be featured in the magazine?
The fee might pay for your next modification or go towards your insurance premium (neatly bringing the thread back on topic
Mar 14, 2005
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I also felt as it was the OP it was OK in this instance
I've seen the request
It was round about then that I wished that I'd taken pics of the jobs rather than gone along in a burst of enthusiasm
Mar 14, 2005
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Can some one tell me what is going on???
I was having a clearly non offensive discussion with another user and I find the the above
Can some please explain

Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John
I would have said that was the Wyoming, but your quite correct. That is not the Wyoming as the sideboard in the Wyoming was the same as the S6 Burgundy
Yes I also agree about the CC and C&CC limiting there training to England. the C&CC had nothing in the N.W so I went with the CC.I agree after 40 years of touring you will know enough. But After 30 years of touring I decided to do it and I improved my reversing techniques so I get it right 9 out of 10 times now. But still annoyed that the C&CC wil not recognise the CC course that is more than likly to be delivered by the same people.



Nov 12, 2009
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Von Ryan said:
Can some one tell me what is going on???
I was having a clearly non offensive discussion with another user and I find the the above
Can some please explain

Von Ryan
Nobody has suggested that you are having anything other than a non offensive discussion. Why are you so touchy?
I suggest that you read the thread properly and in context before jumping to conclusions
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Von Ryan
No offence intended and discussion most enjoyable
i was trying to make the point that we were off topic and could have had a good natter if a PM system was available
Parksey made the point that as the OP you had asked the question etc so nobody else had hijacked your thread and as the OP it was OK if you wanted to take your thread the way it went
I then agreed with him
As I see it we were seeing eye to eye and exchanging useful information
Hopefully this may continue


Nov 12, 2009
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WatsonJohnG said:
.....As I see it we were seeing eye to eye and exchanging useful information
Hopefully this may continue

Thats how I saw it too and I went on to suggest an effective method to get the attention of the technical staff with regard to the pm function and to bring the modifications to a wider audience and be paid.
It seems there's no pleasing some folks
Mar 14, 2005
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Your comment
"The fee might pay for your next modification or go towards your insurance premium (neatly bringing the thread back on topic
Really made me laugh
Very neat
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John,
Been sorting Probate and INSURANCES out after my mothers death week last Tuesday so you can be INSURED that I'm feeling twichy. When you did your (as I call them Super Coolers) to the fridge where did you pick up your supply? I ended up using the feed to the LED's in the gas compartment as Bailey thought about it,but it just diden't work. One thing would move and the LED's were obscured. I took a mean draw on the feed and checked the wiring which had to be at least 14/025s and thought this is more than adaquate to take the load from the two computer fan's that are rated at 0.050 amp each and are the type with ball bearings, so pretty silent. A friend is a electronics expert (Actually a ex RAF electronics anti warfare engieneer)so very little phased (excuse the pun) out by electronics and he built a thermostat system that I purchased from Maplins for about £7.00 that if the temp went above 25o(can be adjusted to up to 30o) the fan would kick in or the fans could be overided to be on all the time to accelerate cooling. It has in France and sometimes over here worked brilliantly. Did you purchace your California from North Staffs or is that just your local dealer.

Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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i picked up the supply from the 12V to the water pump i think
I used the feed to the gas locker light for the submersible pump that I fitted to fill the tank
We only live 5 miles from North Staffs Caravans and we bought the van from them
We really like going there--its almost like belonging to a family we've been going so long and know everyone
Sorry that your mother passed away recently
My wife is undergoing chemo for ovarian cancer at the moment so things are strained here as well
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John,
Thanks for your kind words, Mum was 93, a damn good innings by any standard. I hope your wifes Chemo is successful and you enjoy many more years of caravanning together.
Your comments about North Staffs Caravans are very true. I can remember coming from a meeting held at Stoke Citys ground and calling into N.staffs caravans and speaking to John Ashley who had remembered I had bought a Bailey S6 Pageant Burgundy from them about 12 months previous and I explained I might be in the market for a Senator California, within 5 mins he had come bak to me offered a price, quoted a delivery date and no messing. I had been to a couple of other dealers who said we might be able to do this or we might be able to do that,but N.Staffs reply was so positive and to the point and after a quick phone call to the wife we ended up doing a deal. I don't know about the servicing side a I take my van to Widnes Caravans as they are the closest Bailey service and warrenty agent and like N.Staffs their knowledge and after service a superb.I am glad that their are not too many dealers like them as I don't have to hunt around for good service.
As I said I hope your wifes Chemo is successful


Von Ryan
Mar 14, 2005
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I know John but we always deal with Andrew
We seem to be on parallel courses
My mother died 5 years ago aged 93 also and my father was born in Widnes
I was born in St Helens and went over the Widnes -Runcorn transporter bridge many times in my cycling days with St Helens RC and Prescot RC
I'm sure that living on the bike in my teenage years(and again mid life!) was "good insurance" and has stood me in good stead in later life as I am medication free and enjoy good health which is just as well as a carer for someone with long term Parkinsons and now cancer!!