Thursdays Child said:Parksy, I have thought long and hard about capital punishment and my feelings are still unchanged, No, is my answer and under no circumstances can I be persuaded otherwise thus far,The very idea fills me with horror.The most emotive cases that would warrant the death penalty are, in my personal opinion,the result of mental illness.I cannot imagine a sane person doing such dreadful things.The death penalty was supposed to be the ultimate deterrent but this argument fails as soon as you execute the first person. In America they still have the highest execution rate and how flawed is their system? I know if some maniac harmed a child I loved I would be wanting vengeance but thankfully that would not be allowed and persons with less clouded emotions are going to make the decision.There are always going to be anomalies, ergo mistakes, whatever scientific progress is made it is still in the hands of human beings who are fallible.
Thursdays Child
An eye for an eye! Using the USA as a comparison is a bit naft as it has over 4 times the population of the UK therefore will eb higher. I thought that China had the highest. People who set out to commit murder whether criminally for other purposes sucha s terrorism shoudl be put to death thus saving the taxpayer a vast sum of money. I suppose a way around this would be to allow citizens to carry arms and to defend themselves. A dead criminal saves the taxpayer money.
However before they do that they need to clean up their act on prisons and make prisons a place to be feared, i.e. no TV in cells, no Sky, no computers etc. Make them do hardlabour or community service for their transgressions with lock up at 6pm each evening with only a book to keep them company until 10pm.