Caravan Club or Caravan and Camping Club?

Mar 23, 2008
Hi there I have been a member of the caravan club for over 5 years now and think it is great. The network of sites is fantastic and I have never been to a caravan club site or Cl where the standard has not been extremely high. Also the monthly magazine is a very interesting read and has many useful tips and advice and also in depth reviews of products, cars, caravans etc. I have read a few magazines from the caravan and camping club and although they seemed to be good it seemed to be geared more towards actual campers rather than caravans however this is just my opinion so you should also seek advice from someone who has more experience of the ccc. However I cannot rate the Caravan Club highly enough and would certainly recommend that you join and see the benefits for yourself. Hope this helps you!
Feb 12, 2007
Why dont you join both many of us do.It gives you a huge choice of sites if you do both clubs sites are run to a very high standard.One thing to remember though is there both commercial organisations with club in there name and tend to sell all sorts to members you would also recieve two different monthly magazines which in my opinion are worth the membership alone.If after 12 months one club suits you better than another you can drop the one you dont require.
Aug 27, 2008
Hi Hazel,

We joined both when we first started vanning, but are now only members of The Caravan Club.

This wasn't because there was anything wrong with the CCC or the sites, it was just that we seemed to prefer the CC's sites.

In our experience, the CC toilet / shower facilities are newer and more modern, but nothing in it when it comes to cleanliness.

Also, the CCC's playareas seemed to be very basic, compared to the CC site we'vestayed at.

We still stay on CCC sites, but usually where there's no CC alternative in the area or it's in particularly well situated eg, Keswick.

The only site we really miss is Luss, on the banks of Loch Lomond. One of our very first trips out but it's CCC members only.

Hope this helps,

Mar 14, 2005
I would agree with the others - give both a try, and see which suits you better. You may even find that you want to stay with both. The services on offer from the two clubs are pretty much the same, it is largely a matter of ambience, and only you can say which suits your personal taste.

We decided to stick with the Camping and Caravanning Club, partly because we like the rather more natural feel of the sites, partly because the CC sites were always booked up (that was in the 1980s - it seems even worse now) and, these days, we like sometimes to meet up with family members who have a tent. By and large, you will get good sites, lots of extras, such as insurance, magazines, CL/CS sites, overseas travel service, whichever you go with. I have to say, I think the C&CC's Big Sites Guide is about the best UK campsite guide available, but on the other hand the CC's European campsite guides take some beating.
Jul 5, 2009
Hi Hazel

My viewpoint is a bit ideosyncratic so don't take it as gospel. I used to be a caravanner years ago and I am just coming back via motorhoming.

When I was a caravanner I was a member of both. I found the choice of sites from the CC to be a bit better but the staff of the CCC were a lot friendlier. When the CC started automatically charging for electric I stopped using Club sites as the van I had at the time didn't have electric and I objected to paying for something I couldn't use.

Now that I am coming back I'm likely to join either the CCC or nothing, as the CC have refused to accept me as my postal address is different to my residential address - very short-sighted of them as it's good enough for DVLA, my bank etc.
Mar 14, 2005
We belong to both but to be honest we don't use the C & CC sites much, mainly because of the areas we stay in.

The one thing that I prefer the C Club for is that when you arrive they let you choose your own pitch, the C & C Club take you to a allocated pitch of their choice.

If you don't want to join both, why not choose an area you want to camp in, then view the sites offered by both clubs on the internet making your choice that way.
Jul 3, 2009
We belong to both but to be honest we don't use the C & CC sites much, mainly because of the areas we stay in.

The one thing that I prefer the C Club for is that when you arrive they let you choose your own pitch, the C & C Club take you to a allocated pitch of their choice.

If you don't want to join both, why not choose an area you want to camp in, then view the sites offered by both clubs on the internet making your choice that way.
A good place to compare both clubs is at Sandringham, they are next door to each other.

Carvan club sites are neater in general.

The Caravan club is very useful if you plan on taking your van to europe, you can book ferry, and all sites prior to your trip through them and you get a nice glossy brochure with lots of recommended site to choose from, you can also get all the red pennant travel insurance through them.
Mar 14, 2005
A few things here which really are differences of perspective, rather than of 'fact'. The only time we have been 'directed' to a particular pitch on a C&CC site have been when a) they are practically full, so we would in fact have no other choice, or b) when we have asked to be in a particular area, perhaps to be next to friends, so they have saved an appropriate pitch for us. This happened early this year when we went to Leek. However, since then, we have stayed at Norwich and Thetford Forest and on both occasions have been encouraged to look at the available pitches and choose one that suited.

The C&CC offers an overseas travel service, Carefree, which is very much the equivalent of the Caravan Club service. Wr find that for a given holiday, sometimes one will be marginally cheaper, sometimes the other.

We have indeed compared sites where they are next to each other, at Sandringham and at Blackmore, and on both occasions have much preferred the C&CC - but one person's 'tidy' is very much another person's 'over regimented'. It really is a matter of what sort of ambience you prefer.
Jun 21, 2006
We are members of both though tend to favour the CC. Problems with the C&CC is narrow hardstandings and many sites have unmade (ie not tarred) roads which turn muddy in bad weather. They also tend to choose your pitch for you which can be a bit annoying. We find their sites less 'polished' than CC ones, but better than most commercial sites!
Apr 6, 2008
Hi Hazel, We were new to caravanning last year and are members of both clubs. I personally prefer CC sites as they seem to feel more spacious and have been quieter. My experience of C&CC sites is a bit more cramped and definitely noisier as campers are obviously not tucked away in vans at night. If you prefer peace and quiet I think CC, but for a bit more of a lively feel, C&CC. Alternatively, join both and choose according to your mood. You get lots of choice then!

Mar 29, 2009
Hi Hazel, We were new to caravanning last year and are members of both clubs. I personally prefer CC sites as they seem to feel more spacious and have been quieter. My experience of C&CC sites is a bit more cramped and definitely noisier as campers are obviously not tucked away in vans at night. If you prefer peace and quiet I think CC, but for a bit more of a lively feel, C&CC. Alternatively, join both and choose according to your mood. You get lots of choice then!


We signed up to both a couple of years back but now just belong to CC. No problems with either although we found that the CC sites just happen to meet our geographical needs better. We visit London regularly as we are big fans of the West End Shows. CC gives us a good site at Denham hence we kept the CC and ditched the C&CC. I don,t think that belonging to both realy benefits you, and of course joing both clubs is going to cost you twice as much in membership.

I don,t think you will be dissapointed with either.
Jul 15, 2006
We are members of both clubs and in general I prefer the CC sites but we joined the C&CC specifically for certain sites especially Keswick which we visit a lot. We have found the wardens on sites from both clubs very helpful and friendly and have never been told where to pitch by C&CC wardens. We usually tell them the area we would like to pitch on and they then show you to available pitches in that area and allow you to choose. They will also help you to pitch if necessary. The one thing that we prefer about the C&CC is that our adult son who has Downs Syndrome has his own card which allows him to come with us free of charge. We asked the CC if they would do this also but were told that he would have to pay the full adult price. So I am happy with both clubs, the CC for it's lovely sites and the C&CC for it's customer service.
Feb 11, 2008
A good place to compare both clubs is at Sandringham, they are next door to each other.

Carvan club sites are neater in general.

The Caravan club is very useful if you plan on taking your van to europe, you can book ferry, and all sites prior to your trip through them and you get a nice glossy brochure with lots of recommended site to choose from, you can also get all the red pennant travel insurance through them.
You mention the two sites at Sandringham. I am a member of both but prefer the c&cc site there, but in other areas i prefer the cc. Really just depends on the area you are staying in and the site nearest to your needs. My wife is disabled and we find both are excellant. One of best is Incleboro Fields in Norfolk, cc site and is great place to stay if you get the chance to


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