Caravan Cover

Jun 26, 2006
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Having only purchased our first caravan this May we now approach our first winter. Although we have one more trip planned next weekend I fear that this will be our last (whilst I would love to caravan year round the early nights and muddy fields don't work so well with our 2 young children).

My question is whether it is worth buying a caravan cover? The van is stored in outer London in the open air and not near any trees. I am however concerned about the city grime and possibly slightly acid rain? Among concerns I have heard are that covers can scratch the windows. I have been quoted £330 for a tailored Protec cover which is a bit pricey but probably a good investment if a cover is of benefit.

Any thoughts or comments gladly received!


Mar 14, 2005
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Andy, there are several advantages to getting a cover.

We have the Protec and it is very good , although a bit pricey, BUT you only get what you pay for!!!

The Protec has a lining which fluffs up if it is rubbed against the van, much like cotton wool, and we have not suffered any scratching of windows yet, but we do make sure it is tensioned properly, but not overtight.

As long as you make sure your van is clean before you put the cover on , it should be ok, and will protect it from the vagaries of our winter weather.

Another plus is that it makes your van rather less attractive to thieves, as they cannot se what kind of van it is, and it is just another nuisance to them to remove it.

The other advantage is not having to leave blinds closed, and weakening the tension springs, or making some kind of template for each window to keep the light out, and stop fading of the inside, or curtains, and of course, it stops the effect of sunlight deteriorating the external paintwork too.

MY personal opinion, well worth the money in lots of ways.


Fully agree with all the comments and confirm that Protec make excellent covers. Just be careful when tightening the straps. Mr Muscles here gave one a good tug and tore the corner of the cover. Protec in their wisdom give you a spare patch of cloth so you can repair things.

It is rewarding to pull the cover of in the Spring and a nice clean van appears, unlike some of the bird dropping covered others in my storage site. Makes you feel real superior.
Aug 13, 2006
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We've considered getting a cover, but here is the big question just how or what do you do with the status arial on top. How/what do you do to cover it?


Although my van doesn't have one, I believe the main part of the aerial can be removed by taking out a few screws. I suggest climb up and have a look. Other members may be able to give more info.
Dec 30, 2009
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You remove the spike off the arial job done, if you buy a cover made to measure.

We had a cover as named above ( cant mention the name as i didnt go much on it!!)cover and used it for 1 winter as I had light grasing marks on the windows when removed, the van was washed and polished hours before putting on.

We now caravan all year round so a good polish before the winter sets in and a wash off every couple of months seems to keep the geen stuff at bay, we also close the curtains rather than streach the blind tenshoners

Kevin H

Kevin H


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