Caravan Insurance

Aug 6, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I have just joined this forum, done a post in the new members section, as we have just bought our first caravan.

When it comes to touring caravan insurance, how does it work , i'm trying not to sound thick.

Do i need to tell the car insurance company that i may be towing a caravan or does it need it's own insurance?

Im not trying to get out of insurance i honestly dont no what to do.


May 12, 2006
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Hi Martin

You could try the Caravan Club web site, click on insurance and obtain a quote on line. I think I am right in saying it's not compulsory like car insurance, it's more to do with protecting your asset. But if I am wrong on that, someone will be along to correct it. I told my car insurance that I had fitted a tow bar because, I looked at the bit that said any modifications carried out to the car. I didn't want them to come along later and say I did not tell them should the worst happen.

Val & Frank


Mar 14, 2005
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Martin, you need to do several things to protect yourself.

Firstly inform your insurance company that you have a modified car, that it has a towbar!, may sound strange, but it IS classed as a modification from the "standard" produced vehicle.

Also tell them, and get them to confirm IN WRITING that you will be using the car to tow a caravan, it is surprising that when you have to claim, if ever, if you have NOT told them, they will find a way of not paying out!!

Whilst you are towing, your car insurance will cover the van for third party damage ONLY, ie damage done to another road user by your van. It will NOT cover the van for anything else.

Whilst , legally, you do not NEED further insurance, consider the cost and other problems if your van is involved in some kind of damage, which is not covered by the limited cover on your cars insurance.

Consider the problem on site, your van runs away from you for some reason, and crashes into another van, or worse, a person, can you afford to be NOT insured for such an event?

Also, consider you are manoeuvering your van , and have an accident, bumping into a post or tree and it holes the van side, can you afford a new side panel and all the repair costs involved?

For your own peace of mind, it is well worth the insurance costs to have cover by a reputable company, of which, the Caravan Club does have a very good insurer in Devitts.

Be warned,,,,,,,,you only get what you pay for, so please dont be tempted by cheapest option, especially one company which cannot be named on this forum, as they have threatened the publisher with court action if we do so.


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