caravan laws

Mar 13, 2007
how about a section on laws that effect caravans you know all the legal stuff that you cannot find easily put all in one place to be used as a referance guide
Mar 14, 2005
We meet again colin,

I agree that it would be helpful for all caravanners to have a single point contact to obtain information about the various aspects of towing and the law etc.

There is a real difficulty in allowing unverified contributors such as you and I, adding advice to such a service, as there is the potential for such advice to be incomplete, misleading or at worst wrong and dangerous.

The Site owner (Haymarket) has an obligation to ensure that information published and supplied, as being authoritative, should of course be correct, otherwise they are open to legal challenges. It is my opinion that if Haymarket were to offer such advice, they would need a full time person who was responsible for verifying and collating all the information - not a likely outcome, as there is no obvious line of revenue from such a service.

It would be more appropriate for the web site to offer a list of general topics and offer links to verified sites, such as Government offices NCC and other organisations. Who are regarded as the guardians of this information, and who do regularly review and publish their own guidance.
Mar 13, 2007
hi johnL

following our disscusion on trailer law and the gathering of information I posted in this section explicitly for the attention of the web page designers and owners newmarket in hope that they read the posts, and then some bright spark might understand that there is a lot of confusion about what is legal and what is not and therfore consider including either a section on trailer law similar to the parks directory or the caravan news on the main web site or direct links to oragizations where information could be found.

in that way there would be a place where any forum member or anyone visiting the web site could find accurate meaning full and reliable information regarding the law.

under a heading like the:- THE LAW AND YOU or something like that a place where information can be gained 1st hand.

THERE ARE 1ST RATE CONTRIBUTORS TO BE FOUND ON THIS FORUM WHO KNOW THE LAW. yes I know I am shouting it, because it is true and everyone knows it but you can only get information from them when there on line to answer your questions if they want to.

I was not asking that a forum section be formed on the law with questions and answers from any contributors, as you seem to suggest as this is already possible on the rest of the forum but a place on the web space were you can go and look for yourself.

with the resources of the magazine company it should be possible to achive this and I believe is nessesary judging from the ammout of mis-information posted on the subject.

as I have said on many occasions on this forum, the conributons made by myself and by others including you, are based on personal experience, knowlege, and beliefs, that is not to say they are allways wrong or that they are allways right but they are different and on some subjects this does not matter but on the law. IT DOES.....

regards colin.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Colin,

I concur with you that the public forum itself would not be the place for an advice centre where definitive legal answers are required. It would be better suited to an area of the Web site that can only be managed by the staff at PC or Haymarket.

For the reasons I outlined previously, I do not foresee Haymarket funding the person to edit the details of such a page, as there is not obvious source of income generation from it.

In fairness there is a method to search for previous discussions through the 'Forum Search' facility in the blue box at the head of each of topic areas, However this is little antiquated and is not always easy to use, and of course it only represents the views of contributors, which may be technically wrong.

It would be easier for Haymarket to set up a page with links to the various official sites of the relevant regulations, that way they are not providing the advice only indexing it.
Mar 13, 2007
well it has been 7 days since my first post on this subject and in those 7days I have counted 12 posts asking about weights would it be asking too much to get a responce from the pc mag I wonder
Mar 16, 2005

Sorry, been away for a few days and missed your post.

On the home page of this website, under 'Knowledge Base' there's a link to 'Towing Law' that might be what you are suggesting.

Towing Law
Mar 14, 2005
The only problem with this is the interpretation of the law and has a presidence been set up. The law is a very complex subject and could be misunderstood/misinterpretated quite easy. I am speaking from past experience having taught Building Law and had many dealings with Town & Country Planning Acts, Building Regulations, etc.
Mar 13, 2007
to mod.1

thanks for putting a link on the forum direct to the appropreate

part of the web site I will be refering newbies to this link in the future.

I had found this section after my first post but had difficulty negotiating my way to it with out shortcuts.

while the information contained therein is informative and covers a wide range of subjects the weight issues are to my mind a little confusing and could be made simpler as colin(bridgend) has said the law is complex and open to misinterpritation.

the explainations could be gone into with a bit more detail perhaps with links to the relivent web sites.

regards colin


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