Caravan reviews, commenting?

Apr 30, 2015
Having read the review on the Adria Isonzo I'd like to as an Isonzo owner to have been able to comment on the review, but it doesn't appear that it's possible to do so.

My main bone of contention is the reviewers dislike of the main beds head end window, personally I love it, as with the extra space at the bedside it makes this the only transverse island bed I can sleep in, due to claustrophobia. The UK manufacturers all seem to think a natty little mug shelf and wardrobes enclosing are fine, for most they maybe, but for me it makes their 'vans totally unsuitable. As for sitting up in bed, if you use the head end inclined support, that's what the joint line across the bed top is for so the mattress can hinge, you really don't need a headboard to lean back against, in fact I'd say it's much more comfortable than stacking pillows against one.


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