Caravan Roof Postcode markings

Jan 7, 2007
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Just curious as to whether anyone has got their postcode or CRIS number marked on their van roof in large sticky back plastic letters or whatever they are made from?

I keep seeing them advertised in various places as it supposedly helps Police identify your van from the air or bridges etc so if your tracker goes off or when you notify Police that your van has gone they can spot that it is a stolen van quicker as the thieves don't know that the roof is labelled.

Just a thought as any deterrent is good isn't it?
Nov 26, 2006
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I have just the VIN No in 10in numbers on the roof, and 2in ones on the upper R/h rear corner. this method was advised by a caravaning police man,if you report your van stolen, the police can identify the van whilst on the move,these stickers are very difficult to remove, plus if you move the post code would need changing. Hope this helps Regards Chris
Sep 13, 2006
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If someone saw your postcode they can easily find out where you live to within a few doors.

If the van was kept at home they would then be able to steal it when it is at home or rob the house when it is not.

CRIS number or another unique identifier has to better - Car reg could change.
Sep 13, 2006
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Another point before someone says "how would they know if it is on the roof"

I believe that some of the the thieving scum use motorway bridges to identify targets and then tail them until they stop for a break - why give them another tool for their toolbox?
Jan 3, 2007
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Just to be a pain in the proverbial,

You can't rob a house. You can only 'rob' a person.
of course there was a case in the USA (where else) where a complete house was dismantled and taken!! Maybe that was robbed?
May 27, 2006
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My postcodes clearly marked on the roof of the `van.

It was one of the 1st extra security measures I took on buying the unit.

Whether it will stop any thieving or not ive no idea but it gives me extra peace of mind especially as our home is never left unoccupied (kids have their uses sometimes).
Mar 14, 2005
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My postcodes clearly marked on the roof of the `van.

It was one of the 1st extra security measures I took on buying the unit.

Whether it will stop any thieving or not ive no idea but it gives me extra peace of mind especially as our home is never left unoccupied (kids have their uses sometimes).
Hi Popup,

Your postcoe may work for you, but for others who do leave their house unoccupied it could be a easy target. also what happens if you move or sell the caravan? also consider taht some villians are quite ready to use violence, so you could actually be endangering your children.

The CRIS remains with the caravan throught its life, and so provided the database is kept upto date with change of owwnership or address, it remains relevant, but does not identify the owners address to a casual or oppertunist villian.
Mar 14, 2005
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Just to be a pain in the proverbial,

You can't rob a house. You can only 'rob' a person.
Sorry Beemerman, the house didnt get robbed.It wasn't a person.

Of all the things taught me over 35yrs ago (and not even thought of in the last 6 years of retirement), this one has stuck.

A person commits robbery when they steal, and immediatley before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so they put or seek to put a person in fear there and then of force being subjected to them.

So the next time you see the headline "Bank Robbery" You'll know the headline is incorrect (unless the robbery was against someone called Bank.)
Dec 16, 2003
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It only takes a slosh of paint from an aware thief to cover the post code a courier company I knew had that done to their trucks, on that was stopped by police due to bad driving had false plates and graphic vinyl over the company logo.

Unless a tracker is fitted you may not know until someone gets home that the caravan is gone and don't expect that family will not walk in and not notice that the van has gone. And that's not as funny as it sounds.

If you don't want the expense of a tracker that may never get used and want to keep track of your caravan and know its at home, use an old mobile phone and register to track it. You just need a power supply to it and a good location to hide it on the van.
Mar 14, 2005
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Personally I would not put my Post Code on anything as these days with the likes of it is easy to find out where your house is.

OK - so I do not see the cackers using helicopters just yet but if we all had our Post Code on the roof of our caravans the b*stards could sit on a bridge with a note pad and take their choice as to which empty house to go and check out.

I would stick to the CRIS number - NOT your post code.


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