caravan sales people

Jun 14, 2005
Having done a bit of research and decided between the Argente and the Senator Oaklahoma we went to our local caravan dealer for Baileys. He was on the phone when we went into his office and ignored us for 10mins talking about his holiday. When we told him we would like to buy a Bailey fixed bed caravan he said he didn't have any in in fact he had no 2005 models in though he was expecting a Wyoming in later. We told him we wanted a single axle caravan. He sent us away empty handed, no brochures no suggestion that he might be able to order one in for us. We won't be going back and have decided to go for the Argente.
Mar 14, 2005

Sorry to read of your tail of woe,Not repeat not all Bailey Dealers are like the one you visited.

I to have a Bailey Pageant, the two Bailey Dealers that I have access to , one in Haverhill (Suffolk)and the other at Thorrington (Essex)the service they both offer cannot be faulted.

The Thorrington Dealer is holding the Bailey road show this weekend, where the new series 5 Senators are on show, had a preview, Look for another dealer before you make the wrong choice.

Jun 27, 2005
well im the total opposite, went in glossop caravans two weeks ago and the staff were so helpful, after showing myself and the wife around differant makes and models we have picked the same as our present caravan 2005 argente 650/6 which is due on monday, all credit to the staff at glossop
Mar 14, 2005
Why not write the same letter to Bailey,letting them know about your experience?

We have a great local Bailey dealer,who has always been attentive to our needs.
Mar 14, 2005
Some Bailey caravans are in more demand than others and you sometimes have to wait for a deivery date. That dosn't excuse that dealer and the best thing you can do is go elseware. Don,t go too far as you need to realise that most if not all dealers will only carry out warranty work on vans they have sold.

Sep 4, 2005
Some Bailey caravans are in more demand than others and you sometimes have to wait for a deivery date. That dosn't excuse that dealer and the best thing you can do is go elseware. Don,t go too far as you need to realise that most if not all dealers will only carry out warranty work on vans they have sold.

We have been to approximately 7 dealers over the past weekend and could write a book on the sales staff. On arrival at Glossop the car attendant was more than helpful and a warm welcome but when we went to the new vans and asked for a fixed bed he said he hadn't any. Disappointed after our journey we looked at the 2nd hand and the guy could not have been more helpful. He tried to close a deal but we said we did really want a new van and we wandered back towards the new ones - a different salesman had several to show us! We felt annoyed and conned. The original guy lost a


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