Caravan Steps

Nov 26, 2008
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With bad knees I, and our elderly dog are finding it harder to get in and out of the van especially if we have to raise the van on that side. We bought a two tread step with handrail, but the steps aren't as wide as the van door and have to be positioned slightly to the side so the door misses the handrail when you close it. We try to raise it with mats underneath but this can make it rocky too. I don't want to spend £400 on special steps which I've seen on the internet, so just wondered if there is a simple solution out there I am missing. many thanks
Sep 29, 2016
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I am looking forward to reading responses to your post, I will guess that you may have this type of step:

Like you I sometimes I find that the top step could be a little higher when on uneven ground.

This may not suit your needs but for me it may work (haven't got round to trying it yet), a piece cut from a damaged or broken section of rigid insulation board from builders merchants (or building site if you are lucky), place a sheet of 8mm or 10mm plywood on top of the rigid insulationboard and bind together with duct tape or similar, relatively lightweight and can easily go through the door of the caravan.

This sort of thing, available in different thicknesses, e.g. 50mm. 75mm, 100mm etc.
Feb 23, 2018
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I also had issues getting out of the caravan. I found the step too far down with the standard single step (so did the dog), so I bought the Milenco Giant Double Step which is wider than the door and has a large tread for my size 12s. I've had no issues with it, other than the size - it will only fit through the habitation door sideways and it just fits inside the door for travel - but there was a post some time ago by "Thingy" where they went for a Burton after their Giant Double Step collapsed.

For a handrail; if you have no qualms drilling holes in your caravan you could get one of these:
Doubles as an extra bit of security too. (I Don't have one of these installed, so can't comment on their efficacy.)
Jul 18, 2017
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Perhaps it would be better to have a handrail fitted by the door which also acts a a deterrent. We use these Milenco double steps as the rail underneath prevents it from sinking into the ground. Rubber on steps stops you slipping.
Used in combination they could save a lot of hassle.
May 7, 2012
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The step suggested by Anseo looks good assuming your door opens the other way but if you pitch on wet grass those legs might sink a bit when you use them. My feeling is the external handle but unless you are up to drilling the caravan wall I would get a dealer or mobile engineer to fit it.
Not able to see what you have but a cheaper alternative might be a handle fastened to the woodwork just inside the door, assuming the area is up to it, you might even be able to get one both sides for extra security.
Sep 29, 2016
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Raywood said:
The step suggested by Anseo looks good assuming your door opens the other way but if you pitch on wet grass those legs might sink a bit when you use them.

Hi Raywood,

I have the same steps as I posted in my link, the handrail can be fitted either side.

The steps could sink in soft ground but the horizontal bars should prevent them from going very deep, if the steps did sink in soft ground then it is likely that the rubber boots on the legs would be lost during the extraction process :(

In soft ground I usually find something or other to put under the feet of the steps, I've not had a prolem yet B)
Feb 9, 2009
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We had the steps shown by Anseo but found that if you pressed too hard on the handle the steps toppled over depositing the user on the floor. it also sank in wet grass so needed support on the legs.
The one we now have is similar but instead of individual legs has a frame connecting all four corners and is very stable.
We purchased it many years ago at either Highbridge or Davan caravans in Somerset but I have looked on both web sites and cannot see it


Mar 17, 2007
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We have a Milenco double step. It is the most stable step we have had. I am not very tall ( some people may even say I was short ;) ) and find the Milenco step a good height. Handrail on the van may be a good plan.
Mar 14, 2005
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Having the same problem I first tried a fixed double step but found this far too awkward to manage and store.
Next an aluminium folding step but found this unstable with very narrow treads and easy to step on it such that it folded up around your ankle.
Finally took the plastic single step supplied with the caravan and added wooden blocks of suitable thickness under each leg. The plastic feet had a convenient place through which to drill a 6mm. hole and bolt with a wing nut to the top. Blocks are rectangular and can be adjusted easily to have the 'long' side in the best direction. Wing nuts then tightened. H hole through each block allows fastening to ground with a rockpeg.
Final a small piece of waterproof out door door mat secured to the step with cable ties supplies slip resistant tread and is easily replaced as necessary.


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