Caravan storage and mice!

Jul 18, 2017
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If your caravan is at a storage site and the storage owner is having an issue with mice as they are now only allowed to catch them humanely and can no long use traps or poison, is there anything you as a caravan owner can do with the caravan in storage to prevent mice accessing the interior of the caravan? We do not have an issue at present, but have received notification from the storage owner about a possible mice issue. We have the 4 steadies down, but not the rams.

At home we do have an issue with rats or mice nesting on the top cover in the engine bay of the Jeep, but not an issue with the older Corolla as no flat areas for them to nest. To combat this cleaned off all the food that they had gathered plus their droppings and sprayed the area with Dettol. This kept them away for awhile, but they came back. I turned the Jeep around and resprayed the area which seems to have helped plus the fact that one was a bit slow in leaving the engine bay when I started the vehicle and fan blade did the job. It was not a small rat!

Any suggestions welcomed regarding caravan in storage as I have been told that peppermint oil may help? Thanks.
Mar 27, 2011
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Well farmers may not be allowed to set poison or traps for mice, but does that also apply to individuals ? Regardless of whether I was not allowed I’d still buy both traps and poison and ensure there was plenty of it about.

Jul 18, 2017
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Well farmers may not be allowed to set poison or traps for mice, but does that also apply to individuals ? Regardless of whether I was not allowed I’d still buy both traps and poison and ensure there was plenty of it about.


I doubt if the storage owner would be happy for you to put poison and traps down on their land as ultimately they will be responsible hence our dilemma.

Just to add that we sued traps at home until one of the rats caught a robin. We removed the traps as did not want to kill birds or poison other wild life.
Nov 11, 2009
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How come most fast food restaurants have rat bait traps set out on their grounds.

Last week I set traps in the loft. There are two spring traps, one electronic and two small trays of poison. I've declared war on the mice as last year they came into the loft. Didn't do much damage apart from suitcase wheels nibbled. But I want to get the first strike in.
Jan 3, 2012
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At present our caravan in storage and we have put mesh down in the front box and anywhere else
I heard Peanut butter perfect high bend of high fat and sugar and mice and they can smell it far away
Jul 19, 2021
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We had mice damage our old caravan when in storage.
Make sure your waste pipe covers are firmly in place, pretty sure that's how the buggers got in our van.
Remove all food and bedding/clothing
I sealed around any gaps for water waste pipes where they exited the caravan, and put stainless steel wool around / in air vents under the cooker.
Also had some traps in the van as well as putting heavy items over sink/basin/shower plug holes
Jul 18, 2017
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How come most fast food restaurants have rat bait traps set out on their grounds.

Last week I set traps in the loft. There are two spring traps, one electronic and two small trays of poison. I've declared war on the mice as last year they came into the loft. Didn't do much damage apart from suitcase wheels nibbled. But I want to get the first strike in.

Good question, but they could be those humane traps where they are caught and then released elsewhere? I have no idea as never use take aways if possible.
Nov 11, 2009
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Good question, but they could be those humane traps where they are caught and then released elsewhere? I have no idea as never use take aways if possible.
It might be like grey squirrels and mink you are not allowed to release them once trapped. They should be humanely destroyed.


Nov 12, 2009
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I don't know about rats, but the accepted wisdom to deter mice used to be mothballs.
Mice rely on scent trails which are laid down in their urine.d
If you can disrupt these scent trails you will deter mice.
Jeyes fluid applied on surfaces which mice could use to enter your caravan, such as wheels, corner steadies, and A frame might be worth a try.
Nov 16, 2015
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I don't know about rats, but the accepted wisdom to deter mice used to be mothballs.
Mice rely on scent trails which are laid down in their urine.d
If you can disrupt these scent trails you will deter mice.
Jeyes fluid applied on surfaces which mice could use to enter your caravan, such as wheels, corner steadies, and A frame might be worth a try.
When I lived in Nigeria, our Steward would put Jeyes fluid ( watered down) around the outside of the house to keep snakes and rats away, so yes pouring some around the stays might work,
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May 7, 2012
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Our caravan is pretty near the middle of the storage area and so far we have had no problems, but nothing is going to totally prevent them getting in if they want to. Mesh over anything that might be a way in should help but the most important thing is make sure you leave no food behind to attract them. I do wonder if being in the middle of the storage helps as presumably the caravans on the edge are the first they see, and hopefully they stay at the edge.
Jun 1, 2021
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Ive been told that tumble dryer sheets work to keep mice at bay by some friends that have used them for years and no mice - anyway i have decided to buy some and stuff them in gaps etc and around the van, if the way they made me sneeze is anything to go by the mice should hate them
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Sep 24, 2008
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Keeping with the mouse thread. Some year ago whilst looking down the garden saw a mouse on the peanuts who came down rapid towards the house. It climbed up onto next doors extension and disappeared into ours. This went on for some time so I got in to loft and found some Tesco bags in tatters . Bought this stuff where they have to crave for water which in my case was a saucer of water ,.after a f ew days no sign of mouse and wondered where it possibly had died . No sign at first until I looked in the water tank , and there it was . After draining I also found a adjustable spanner in there.


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