I fail to see what liking or disliking Clarkson has got to do with the subject we are discussing but so you know I actually think he talks more sense than most politicians and I think he is great, however we digress, I'm still awaiting the name or manufacturer of the mystery device that can apply a cars brakes when you send a signal to the car as I am am beginning to think that no such product has ever been legally produced or fitted and is more wishfully thinking by some people, as for the gizmo that you mention for anti hijacking, I'm pretty sure this was and may still be available in south Africa where car hijacks are the norm but I am also pretty certain it has never been legally available here, south African laws are very different to here so doesn't really apply, I know of another device available over there which 5 minutes or so after the car has been hijacked fills the interior with thick smoke making it impossible for the thief to see at all, another device that certainly used to be available in S.A but again would never be allowed in the UK, so enlighten me as to the device you reckon is available over here, as for a HGV's brakes locking up in the event of loss of air then a malfunction of the system is a bit different to it being done deliberately.