Plus Rescue Tape, tie wraps epoxy putty and dare I say WD40. Heading for bunker now.Screwdrivers, pliers, fuses, gaffer tape, adjustable wrench, knife, glues, multi meter, hammer for starters
Anything bigger than a 8mm spanner I don't bother with. Bought a handy small toolbox filled it with spanners(up to 8mm),various screwdrivers,insulating tape.string,junior hacksaw - that's about it.In 25 years a screwdriver has been the busiest.As an engineer I am very guilty of having every tool with me 'just in case'. However I realise I need to be sensible and keep weight down to essentials.
What would you consider being in your 'Essential' toolkit that will stay with the van?
Yes a roll of clear Gorilla tape, as a just in case, spanners upto 19 mm and also the allen keys to adjust the motor mover. As yourself , Sprocker, I try to limit stuff but the just incase tools add up, thankfully the under boot space in our Santa Fe is huge, and can hold loads. Picture tomorrow.No WD40, but carry brake cleaner for towball plus all the other stuff in a toolbox behind driver's seat and clear duct tape in case of a crack.
Raywood , your propably the sort of person, my good friend Anseo, helped out, I had not finished pitchinig up before he came across and said " have you a spanner to sort out this lads Aerial". Let me get the awning up first.I am not an engineer and my practical skills are limited. My tool kit is basic with a few screwdrivers and an adjustable spanner and that is about it.
Phone number of nearest pub. 😃Phone number of nearest mobile caravan engineer.
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Criky Hutch, you could carry out major repairs with that lot.
I have spanners up to 19mm, screw drivers and one for the gas bottle. I have a different box for my just in case things, spare break-a- cable etc
I also carry a small SnapOn tool box in the car, "Just in Case"😉 Notice the emergency BBQ, in case of a longer delay.If I have a serious problem I hope I am next to Hutch.
Come on------What else??????????I also carry a small SnapOn tool box in the car, "Just in Case"😉 Notice the emergency BBQ, in case of a longer delay.
I don't carry the Snow chains unless I am going North of The Watford Gap, after August. ❄⛄☃Come on------What else??????????
I have my Swiss Army Wife with me too.I just take my wife along. When we 'Boldly Go', if anything goes wrong she just says, 'Make It So'