Caravanning with an 20 month old

Jan 18, 2009
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Hi there,
We are back on the forum again after a 2 year break. In 2011 I gave birth to our son and last year wasn't the right time to take a holiday with a) him being so young and b) house move c) christening to organise. We have now decided that this is the right time as by the time we go he will be 20 months and into everythinhg! we only have a small Abi Monza van which has suited us fine til now and we are hoping to pull the double bed at the back out for him and us still use the double at the front. We know it will be challenging as there isn't much room at all for just the 2 of us, never mind a toddler as well, so maybe next year we will have to upgrade to something a little bigger!
Just wondered if anyone has any tips or advice for caravninng with toddlers? the site we are staying on (Nolton Cross, Pembrkeshire) is great for families so looking forward to a well deserved holiday!


Mar 17, 2007
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my youngest grandson is just 2 abd we have taken him vanning a couple of times. He is like greased lightening and into everything. We found it helpful to be able to corall him in the awning so that he could play without one of us having to be constantly behind him. Strong pegs and good zips helped (on the awning, not him!). We didn't take his high chair and so strapped him into his buggy for meals otherwise he was all over the place. He kept getting out of bed, as he was used to a cot so we had a bit of a battle the first couple of nights until he got the idea.
This sounds like restraint, restraint, restraint but mostly he loved running around the pitch and play area etc, It did mean one of us needed to be following him though. You just need to have some space where you know he will be safe while you get on with doing a meal or whatever. He loved it and constantly asks about "Nana's Kakkaman" as he calls the van. I'm sure that you will have a lovely time.
Aug 23, 2009
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I don't think we did anything different away to at home except using disposable nappies while away, Started at 3 months using a bed rail to imitate a cot and that was about it. No means no just as much in the van as at home. Good luck and enjoy.


May 12, 2010
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Hi Andrea,

Your query is a very popular topic, so much so that I am just putting together a feature about 'Taking tots on tour'. I'm in the process of getting together a whole host of tips, from sleeping, eating, travelling etc as well as useful products. Hoping for it to run in our September issue so keep an eye out.
In the meantime, we had a great response to a request for tips on our Facebook page recently. Take a look, there might be something useful.
The post I am referring too was put up on June 4 and starts... "Do you take your little ones on tour?" It's got a large photo of my little girl & boy in a caravan in their PJ's with bright red bedding so should be easy to find.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Jun 13, 2013
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Go for it!

Both of our girls have been caravanning - the first from six months old, the second from birth!

No problems.

My tip -
Buy an inflatable, collapsible bath...SO handy and doubles up as a paddling pool outside!
I have one that's sitting doing nothing if you want to get in touch...
(Am I allowed to do that on here?)


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