Caravans and customs.

Jan 21, 2008
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I may be planning a holiday in France this year and it will be the first time I take a caravan abroad, and one of my concerns is the extent of the customs checks on the way back. I cannot recall ever having my bags checked or opened by customs when using airlines or Eurostar, but due to the plentiful hiding places there could be on a caravan for smuggling or illegal imigrants I could imagine them causing quite a bit of hassle if they decide to do a thourough search and all the kit has to be removed for inspection etc. Do they do random searches, search every van or do they use technology to help make their choice? Or is it just they use experience in recognising suspicious outfits? (A collegue of mine claims he gets searched every time he travels by plane - exactly the opposite experience to me!)

So how much hassle is it?
Aug 28, 2005
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They look inside your van to make sure no one is stowed aboard but in 30 years of travelling we have never been searched so it must be just random. We have travelled through Northern Ireland (we live here), Republic of Ireland, U.K and abroad on many occasions and never been searched, just a cursory check.
Apr 1, 2010
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We have never had any hassle at all at customs with the caravan travelling through the Tunnel.

They automatically check all caravans inside and the gas coming into the UK and just the gas going out. The Officers have always been most friendly with no problems or hassle at all.


We have never had the caravan looked at, but strangely when we had the motorhome that was checked, but like the others just a look for people, we have had car searches when driving solo so I guess its just random
Dec 14, 2006
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We've been crossing the Channel for 29 years - and never been searched. For the last 15 years we've had a caravan - and recently French customs ask to see inside the caravan as you go through on the way back to England - but it's only a check to make sure there are no 'illegals' hiding inside your closet!

It's been no problem to us at all.
Feb 3, 2005
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When I was young (a very long time ago!!) and without a caravan, they often searched the car - although not in great detail. Since being older and having a caravan I have never been searched, so I think it is down to discretion, and whether you look suspicious! In this respect I think caravanners are generally considered less likely to affend.

Also, since the EU, there is supposed to be free movement throughout Europe, and they mainly look for illegal immigrants unless your behaviour attracts their attention or they have had a tip off.

These days with so many travelling through the ports they do not have the resources to carry out extensive routine checks.

Jan 5, 2008
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On the last three occasions when returning to the UK via Calais the 'van has been checked at Calais - even to the extent that seat cushions were lifted to ensure there were no illegals (and it's only an Eriba!!)
Nov 2, 2005
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This is funny. We were asked to pull over in May no problem. Followed their waving arms and stopped.

Another van was on its way over he secided to pull up at our nearside. Two security women shouting, waving arms stopped him.

They made him reverse all the way back, it was funny watching wiggling back.
Nov 29, 2007
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Like others we've only ever had a quick look in the 'van for illigals. As the custons/immigration chat to you they sometimes ask questions as to if you had a nice time, what was the weather like etc. Whether this is to covertly find out if you've actually been to where you say you have I don't know. Customs finds are almost always intelligence lead, you may think they are casual acting but they know exactly who/what they're looking for.
Mar 14, 2005
On my journey home from Spain in March I had just left the Bordeaux ring-motorway for the N10 when I was followed by a uniformed motorcyclist for a mile or so. Eventually he overtook me and I saw his jacket was marked "Douane". He beckoned me to follow him and he led me into a compound off the dual carriageway. After many questions - where was I coming from?; where was I going?; how long have you been away from home?; tell me about the contents of your caravan; I was led into a marked out bay; told to leave the car and stand some fifty yards away; then the car and caravan was X-rayed by a huge gantry attached to a lorry. It was a rather unnerving experience, but I've since learnt that it happens in several areas of France.
Mar 14, 2005
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Much to the hilarity of anyone we are traveling with, I am always asked to pull over and be searched by security! No matter what port, which ferry route, what time of day, the fact that I'm always with wife and child - I'm flagged down. I'll point out that I'm small,dark, with a beard. Guess I must fit some sort of profile, eh?!
Feb 17, 2007
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I have only had the most cursory inspection leaving the continent on my way home. However my 'van is always examined on leaving the U.K. - at North Shields - and I am asked if I have any dangerous weapons, such as knives, on board. Given that the 'van is, in effect, a self contained, self catering holiday home for some three weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 13, 2007
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My car and van were searched at Poole when leaving for France, I was asked if the knives and forks would remain in the van during the voyage, I replied why have they run out of them on the boat
Mar 26, 2008
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Crossing borders even though they are open now in Europe you are likely to get stopped one day. If you've nothing to hide there should be no problem. UK ports know who is leaving the country and vehicles are checked by compuer systems against DVLA records.

My husband has been stopped entering the UK in my cars a number of times. When making a number of trips in and out of the country I've been stopped on every 3rd or 4th trip.

I've been stopped on the road in Europe over the past 30 years and at service areas, Officers very dissapointed to find no booze or cigarettes and just waived on my way with a look of disgust.
Jan 21, 2008
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Many thanks for the replies! I just had visions of having to drag awnings out of lockers and generally having to unpack lots of items from all the storage spaces just to show that there was nothing there that shouldn't be. I expect that it could still happen, after all customs would be pretty weak if it was not a possibility, but at least the chances are that it will not be too much hassle!
Mar 14, 2005
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Just don't expect any logic - the word does not exist. Recent crossings have included a check on my caravan inside - but neither French or English looked under the fixed bed. Another ploy is " our dogs are out of practice, do you mind if we plant a test item for them and let them search ?" Answer - Yes, as an asthmatic I mind very much if dogs are allowed to roam about inside my caravan for no other reason than they are out of practice - buy a caravan and give them a daily workout; or pay to have my caravan thoroughtly cleaned inside.
Nov 19, 2006
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Coming home a couple of weeks ago we were not even questioned at the tunnel, just waved through, but on leaving Britain they looked under the bed the shower and wardrobe. It would seem more sensible to check entering the UK rather than leaving it.


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