
Feb 11, 2007
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Seeing the terrible flooding in the north and wondering about the caravans which also must be wrecked, I suppose there will be a supply of servicable parts in the region that the water did not get to.
Mar 14, 2005
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Somewhere I have a photo of a club members Royale with water up to the windows, in the Coventry area about 8 years ago.The owner took the upholstery into the house to dry it, and used the van for a club rally two weeks later, and as far as I'm aware (the van changed hands three years ago)it is still in use. Btw, it was/is a 1972 van.
Mar 14, 2005
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Our van was in our garden, waist deep at one point, a foot deep inside. Talking to other people we've heard that if the van sits in water for more than 4 hours, it will be a write off. Ours was in water for 3 days!! The loss adjuster is coming Monday, but there is a chronic shortage of vans around here (East Yorkshire) as people are buying them up to live whilst the houses are sorted out. Also there will be a lot of damp vans around in about 6 months time.
Apr 15, 2005
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So sorry to hear about your caravan in the floods.

I hope it was just in the garden but if that deep I presume you did not escape from it coming into your house.

I hope you are coping ok it looks so devestating for those who are affected by the floods.


Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry to hear about your caravan Janet & Jason. I hope you get it sorted out and you don't end up ending out of pocket etc.

Feb 26, 2007
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Janet & Jason,

So sorry to hear that your van got flooded.Hope that the insurance goes through quickly so that you can get on the road again.Glad to hear that the water didn't reach your house.

Mar 14, 2005
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Our van was in our garden, waist deep at one point, a foot deep inside. Talking to other people we've heard that if the van sits in water for more than 4 hours, it will be a write off. Ours was in water for 3 days!! The loss adjuster is coming Monday, but there is a chronic shortage of vans around here (East Yorkshire) as people are buying them up to live whilst the houses are sorted out. Also there will be a lot of damp vans around in about 6 months time.
Janet /Jason ,we are so sorry to here about the floods in E/Yorks especialy the damage done to your caravan .

Lets hope the insurance boys get it sorted for you quickly.

Keep us posted on here and on t&t Col
Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks Phil - we are in near Anlaby. The reason it was 3 days in water was because the authorities, quite rightly pumped out the houses first, leaving gardens and streets to drain naturally albeit slowly. Anyway assessor has been, van is a write-off and they will collect it and take it away and then send me a cheque to buy something else. Slow process but hopefully all will be well. I'm surprised in Hedon you weren't worse hit, the tv pictures show it quite bad.
Jun 5, 2006
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We are actually in Preston, next village along to Hedon and the main drainage ditch overflowed. We were lucky as we only got one wet spot in the living room - the house cant be level! Our people down our street werent so lucky.

Our storage guy also had the foresight to move our caravan to higher ground but I havent been to get down to inspect since.


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