Carbon Emission Pointless Tax Rip Off

Sep 10, 2007
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So now the chancellor (and his eyebrows) has screwed us all over with the new levels of tax (except me - my car is a 2000W!)

The excuse for this is to reduce CO2 emissions and therefore slow down global warming because it is a man-made phenomenon isnt it?

Well, no not at all. The temperature on this planet is in a constant state of flux. Around 10,000 years ago what us now northern europe was covered in a thick layer of ice. Then, suddnely one day, it started retreating. Obviously the government back then didnt impose a tax to stop the cavemen from driving Range Rovers.

That is not the only major flux of global temperatures - when the Romans settled in Britain 2000 years ago it was hot enough to have Vineyards at York. When they built Trafalgar Square in London they found Lion bones because that area had at one time been hot enough for these animals to survive.

If you take a fishing net out into the North Sea and drag it along the bottom you will pick up tusks from Woolly Mammoth's - because this area used to be land because the world's seas were frozen up in the arctic. As the planet warmed the ice melted, sea levels rose and now we have the North Sea and Britain is an island. - it hasn't always been!

Did the ice cap melt because the Woolly Mammoth's didn't have adequate cavity insulation in their homes? No! It's called nature.

Just because things are warmer and windier now than 100 years ago doesnt mean we have caused it. We may have contributed to it but it would have happened without us anyway so instead of taxing us all to death to pay for whatever it is they pay for (I won't go there) why don't they leave us all in peace.

Maybe the planet would be a bit cooler if there wasn't so many green nutters and politicians talking hot air anyay.

Rant over. What's everyone else's thoughts on this?
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul, a very long post. Mine is much simpler - it's all about Keep that in mind and rememeber they are out to screw as much from the motorist as they can - it is not so painful after that.
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul, a very long post. Mine is much simpler - it's all about Keep that in mind and rememeber they are out to screw as much from the motorist as they can - it is not so painful after that.
something went wrong meant to say "it's all about money. Keep that in mind etc".
Feb 25, 2008
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Well said Paul!

I would add that our previous Prime Minister once said that he knew nothing about history. Whether he knew anything about anything (except making money) is debatable. It is obvious that lessons from the past are being ignored because they do not fit well with the current "climate warming religion".

The earth does not rotate smoothly on it's journey round the sun. It wobbles on it's axis meaning that at times more of the land masses are exposed to the direct light from the sun. This is called precession. Thus in northern europe we get fluctuations in ambient temperature leading to "Ice ages" and "warm" periods. This can be tracked for example by the "tree line" on the Scottish mountains. At one time it was 700 feet higher than the present 1700 feet (approx.) As well as this there is also the effect that "sunspot" activity on the surface of the sun has on the amount of heat radiated from it. To be added to this is the fact that at times this planet has had considerably more free carbon dioxide than at present. How much of it has been locked up in the limestone uplands of central and northern England and the chalk cliffs of the south coast? All this is to say that

those so called environmentalists don't really have much of a clue and are using the current fluctuations in climate to berate us "westerners" for being wealthy. What they don't reaslise is that the wealth we have has come at a price paid by our forbears.

That's my rant over for now, I could add more but I may have overstayed my welcome!

Aug 25, 2006
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As much as I echo your sentiments on "global warming" (now being touted as "climate change" as it appears we may not be getting warmer anymore, but need a catch phrase to hang tax increases on and the deluded tree-hugging fraternity to chant), I can`t agree that this is a `pointless` tax rip-off.

Rip-off, yes. Pointless, NO!

When you`ve totally cocked up a strong economy during a boom perion and have effectively bankrupted the Country and its inhabitants (anyone hear Darling on Jeremy Vine? What a utter plank), you need to scratch around raise as much revenue as you can, under any circumstances.

When the Country finally secures its place as as a tenth rate economy with no manufacturing and only civil servants, I will at least be able to hold my hands up and say "Don`t blame me"

I would prey that I am not resident here by then, as it must be obvious to all that we really are doomed, both socially and economically.

When there is no one left working, who`s going to pay for the benefits? Maybe its time for the labour supporters to start looking over their shoulders (move the chips first) as well.
Apr 26, 2005
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Here's a theory - what if the "tree huggers" and environmentalists were being funded by the government? After all they must be getting there cash from somewhere.

The government needs to raises taxes. Tax raises are unpopular. So fund all the various green lobby groups to create fear amongst the population and then bow to the pressure and say "sorry we don't want to raise taxes but it's for your the good of the planet"

They also divide and conquer. See how well it worked with the anti 4x4 lobby (again funded by the government?)? No other road users objected when the hate campaign was carried out so the tax hike went through with impunity. Sadly this net is now being cast wider.
Jun 11, 2012
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Well Im not going to rant cos its all aload of 88888888to me cos it seems that this little country of ours is thro the government are trying to do what the whole of the world should be doing.

Here we go what about the USA and the gas guzzlers over there.???????Any way Mr Darling may have postponed the fuel increase until October but the fuel here in Daventry went up two P:TODAY.

Sep 10, 2007
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So what you are saying is that all governments should be taxing their population to the breadline to combat a problem that is clearly invented for the purpose of lining the pockets of the rich?
Jun 11, 2012
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Paul Not quite what I meant , Its semms the cost of going green is all down to us .

I dont hear too much of what other countries are doing to help high emmisions
Jul 11, 2005
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Keep hearing about the ice at the North Pole getting smaller.

But what you don't hear is that the ice at the South Pole is in fact getting larger?

Its one big con!!

Feb 25, 2008
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It was once said to me that " if everything was closed down (meaning all human activity ceased) in Britain and everyone stopped breathing for one year, it would take the Chinese about 15 months to make up the deficit". In other words their economy is growing so fast that anything we do in Britain is meaningless on a global scale. The Chinese too want a share of the worlds wealth and they will not compromise their determination to achieve it.

Feb 15, 2006
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the funniest thing i have heard this year so far that is was on the radio the day after last months earthquake was that it was caused by.........yep global warming so listen out for that new earthquake tax coming to a government near you
Sep 10, 2007
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I think the real issue that ought to be looked at is the fact the oil stocks will begin to dwindle at some point - which will cause an economic disaster is transport is crippled. The warming of the planet is a natural phenomenon but we will one day run out of oil and then what will we do?

Instead of taxing us to death and spending it on whatever they are spending it on, (certainly not me) why not invest much more in refining efficient propulsion machines. We have eldctric, hydrogen and stuff derived from crops - but which one will make it? LPG was supposed to be the thing of the future until the government pulled the grant and now nobody seems to be doing it, and the price is going up.

So where do we go people?


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