Hi Sandy & Jan,
we take our two cats evertime we are away with the 'van and they just love it and have travelled the length and breadth of the UK.
That does not mean your cat will take to it so go carefully at first:-
Make sure the cat can travel in the car and try to make sure it can see through the windscreen (not so disorienting as seeing traffic shoot past side on)
Try and sleep in the 'van with the cat at home if you store it there.
We don't let our cats out of the 'van when we are away and they are quite happy at that. We did at first when we went away but it's a hassle getting them back.
Do a bit of preperation before you go, I measure out the correct amount of cat-litter into polybags so its available every day without too much bother. I change it every morning as it encourages them to use it first thing (handy if you are moving)
Keep it well fed, it will sleep more!
Take spare bedding for travel box, accidents do happen. I try to limit my travelling time to 4 hours, it's enough for me too!
Most of all, consider your pet and take things slowly, and you should have no problems.