Well this is an interesting topic, views seem to vary a lot too, we all have an opinion and so we should have. Look at it from the other persons view tho' I'll give mine . I live out in the countryside a few houses but not an urban area, no then next door to me they have an adult cat that they don't care about, and a young kitten that they do and seem to look after well, but the adult, I've never seen such a mangey looink animal in all my life no looked after at all. This cat is just one of 3 that they used to have a big old tom cat that they had for a good many years and another Persian? i think that was allways kept inside but escaped and was never seen again, but all of that is a different story.
If I wash the cars and then the caravan, is it aceptable that the cat goes on them and leaves muddy paw prints over them? I say not, why should I accept it?
If when I have planted my garden with the bedding plants that I have either grown or bought and along comes the cat and digs them up by using my garden as a toilet is that also acceptable?
The same goes for the vegetables that I grow, and what about when the cat comes in to my house, do I have to keep the door shut to stop it getting in and going upstairs as it has done on occasion?
And what about the fish in my pond, some of them have cost me a lot of money and the cat has at times tried to take them? do I just sit back and let it happen or do I take action to protect my property? and if I do take action what do I take?
The ultra sonic devices cost money so why should I have to pay for one or more to deter the cats and not the owners? A farmer by law has to keep his animals in not me keep them out.
I don't like the idea of shooting, trapping or any other method of control so where does that leave me?
Now look at the other side, little kitty comes in to my house through the cat flap and eats and drinks, then goes outside to empty itself on someone else's garden so I don't have to clean up after it. It digs up someone else's plants so I don't have to spend time and money to put it right. It goes into someone else's home who does like cats or maybe has an allergy to them and leaves fur and dust from its skin and I won't have to go round to their home to clean up after it.
And after all of that if I go away on holiday for a few days I just have to put the cat out and it will turn feral for a day or 2 and will look after itself for the duration. Don't believe me about that last statement? kick your cat out and see, we have a few feral cats round here where I live, some escape'se and some just dumped.
Or do I do what a country born guy MAY feel like doing, I have shotguns and gun dogs, let the dogs chase the cats off? or do the more sinister thing?
Makes one wonder does it not?