Change of name

Jan 19, 2008
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O.K. just to inform you all Ive changed my name on here to the above. I noticed that there is another Chris on here and I would hate to see him get the blame for some of my postings. Also hopefully Monkey wont be able to find me while hiding under this name. It was this morning when I sat on the throne philosophing ( I do a lot of philosophing there and trying to work things out) I realised that Monkey desires my body. She was real mad at me when she attacked me cos I'm playing hard to get. The only problem I had was why does she desire my body, is it to have her wicked way with me or to sell it to medical science? I will keep you all posted after I philosophise tomorrow. Will be the same time cos I'm regular. Toodle pip.
Jan 19, 2008
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Forsooth, I am undone. ALL my postings have been changed so Monkey will now know who I am. :O( I'll do my best to placate Monkey, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" ⇦ singing in best voice.
Mar 14, 2005
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Forsooth, I am undone. ALL my postings have been changed so Monkey will now know who I am. :O( I'll do my best to placate Monkey, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" ⇦ singing in best voice.
Lord Braykewynde uh? Ever met Donald Trump?


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