Child friendly sites that DONT allow dogs

Apr 23, 2007
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Does anybody know of any sites in Oxford area where there are nice welcome for nice kids and no dogs running round jumping up 'he's only playing' stylee?
Dec 23, 2006
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I am a dog owner and only use Caravan Club sites. On Club sites dogs must be kept on leads or tie ups at all tiomes. If one isn't report it to the warden. If he/she does nothing tell them you are ringing head office immediatly.Then just watch them act!! Rules are rules for the benefirt of all caravanners. You will allways in any organisation get a minority who use excuses to break the rules. The sooner these people are excluded from the club the better. If they don't like the rules they should not join in the first place.

As you can see this topic gets me hot under the collar!!

Apr 23, 2007
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Thanks Hamer

It was a bit tongue in cheek really in contrast to the 'site for adults with dogs' request.

My daughter is petrified of dogs. I've only just stayed on my first CC site and not only were all dog owners impeccably behaved along with their dogs, I was amazed at the quality and cleanliness of the site (Troutbeck Head). I now realise what I have actually joined and I am definitely going to be using mainly club sites in the future where I can.
Nov 29, 2007
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Hi Hammer, I always think it's such a shame when children are frightened of dogs. When I come across them I chat to the parent and try to get them to encourage their child to stroke my dog. She's a very well behaved border collie, or "sheepdog" to the children. It's wonderfull at the end of a stay if the childs fright has changed to caution or in some cases no fear at all. I always stress on the parent the need for the child to ask the dog's owner if it is ok to stroke the dog before approaching, my dog doesn't mind children but I appreciate not all dogs are the same.
Apr 23, 2007
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Ok, I will give it a chance.

BUT, just because I stroke you dog doesn't mean I want 'dog lick', slobber and dirty paws all over me. :)

I'm a miserable sod sometimes. soz
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Ian

Why is your daughter petrified of dogs? Bad experience or just something that maybe you and Mrs Ian have inadvertantly instilled in the child?

A great shame and in some circumstances something that could be dangerous, eg in her fear to run away from a dog she go onto a busy road.

Phobias come in all shapes and sizes and the best way is to face them head on in a controlled manner.

Chrisbee is spot on with the suggestion. My two Springers love a cuddle especially from youngsters. BUT only when the owner is present.

Come on be brave we are a dog loving country.


Dec 14, 2008
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Scouse Ian,

I know what you mean about dog owners who say 'that he's only playing'!

For the record I'm a dog lover I have had three dogs in my time- all fabulous pets. But I now have three young children and I don't believe that dogs and children mix well, especially when the dogs are physically larger than the children. Dogs with a loud bark and large enough to knock a child over through boisterous play is a fair reason for a child to be afraid, for example. My cousin has the softest Doberman I've ever seen but she's the size of a small horse with the energy of Tiger and she frightens my youngest child, regardless of my reassurances.

I was attacked by my grandmother's neighbour's dog when I was eight and still bear the scars on my face and stomach. 'Honda' was a dog that I had played with many times before and was always friendly. I happened to stoke him at the 'wrong time' and he turned and attacked me. I consider myself lucky and I'm very sensitive to hearing similar stories on the news with fair more serious consequences.

I teach my children to be confident, in the company of, but respectful of any dogs. However, a dog is an animal and for that reason I say they can never be trusted 100%. From my childhood experience I strangely never became scared of dogs but the complete opposite.

Sorry to veer of the subject and please don't take this as an attack on good dog owners because as I've said I love dogs. As you can see it's a subject close to my heart.

I've now been to many Caravan Club sites and the majority of dogs I've encountered have been very well behaved with rule abiding owners. I did once have an occasion to ask a chap, politely but firmly, to remove his dog from the children's play area which he was not best pleased with. But there's always a minority.



Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ian

There's thousands and thousands of dogs in this country, owned by responsible people and non responsible people.

Hopefully this won't happen to another child, but a friend of mine's six year old boy was terrified of dogs, I'd go so far as to say he had a morbid fear of them.

His dad took him on the park, a spaniel off lead went bounding towards the boy. The boy was on a mini moto with a fixed speed of five miles per hour, wearing all the safety gear. He panicked when he saw the dog coming towards him and drove off and crashed into a concrete post. He died there and then.

Now, personally, I wouldn't put a six year old child on a mini moto, speed restricted or not and maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take the child on a park where it's obvious some dogs will be off lead (particulary when we had a six acre field he could ride it in). So so very sad.

If your daughter doesn't want anything to do with dogs, let her be but don't make a massive issue of it. Some dogs are friendly, some arn't same as some dogs won't jump up but some will.

Hope you get it sorted.

Nov 23, 2008
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my son had the same problem he's autistic and was so scared that he would scream at the sight of a dog but nothing had ever happened to scare him I but last year we took a walk to our local waterside and on the way back he just started playing with a collie throwing a bottle into the water for it to fetch he was nearly 14 and just stopped being scared so there may be hope for your daughter
Jan 5, 2008
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Two things: I'm sure some problems are caused on Club sites by non-members abusing the rules. Apart from the financial cost I don't understand why the Clubs allow non members to use the sites.This may also help prevent the "week-end only" block booking often complained of. Secondly, as a dog loather, it does seem to me that SOME dog owners think that everyone likes dogs and just cannot understand it when they come across someone who doesn't.
Jun 20, 2005
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Naturally you are quite entitled to loathe dogs , but why?

Most children I know love animal farms , cuddling the rabbits etc . I'm convinced people like you may well have had a traumatic experience as a child which leads to this loathing??

We have two dogs and on site they are NEVER off the lead, nor do they mess on site.

Yes there are sites where dogs are banned , but then I wouldn't use them would I. I think it's the usual story, the minority spoil it for the majority.

Maybe PC Mag could do an article naming dog free sites?? I do appreciate noteveryone likes the poor old pooch.


Dustydog Woof Woof
May 18, 2007
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Steve - why do you single out the "weekend only non-members" in your argument.

On a personal point my daughter who was 2 at the time was approached by a dog (on a lead),the dog barked in a friendly way and my daughter completely freaked out.She is now 5 and is still very wary of dogs.


Mar 14, 2005
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I think there should be more sites which don't allow dogs. I'm all for that.

I don't want some kid/s hassling my dogs as I am sure some child/children parents don't want my dogs hassling them.

Jan 5, 2008
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Dustydog - No I didn't have a traumatic experience when I was a child. I'm not against responsible owners having dogs on sites at all, as long as those dog owners don't assume that I want anything to do with their dog. I've no problem with the owners, I'm just not keen on dogs.

Jonathan - perhaps I was a bit hasty accusing non members of bulk booking at the week-ends perhaps preventing others who would like to stay beyond a week-end from doing so. It would be interesting to know though what the ratio between member & non under these circumstances are. I didn't really intend to go off-topic. Sorry.
Feb 8, 2009
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Dustydog - No I didn't have a traumatic experience when I was a child. I'm not against responsible owners having dogs on sites at all, as long as those dog owners don't assume that I want anything to do with their dog. I've no problem with the owners, I'm just not keen on dogs.

Jonathan - perhaps I was a bit hasty accusing non members of bulk booking at the week-ends perhaps preventing others who would like to stay beyond a week-end from doing so. It would be interesting to know though what the ratio between member & non under these circumstances are. I didn't really intend to go off-topic. Sorry.
Its your opinion, your right and I would say you are reasonable with it.


Dec 3, 2008
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Some months ago I submitted a deliberately provocative post about my views on dogs. Admittedly my views were pretty 'anti' for reasons I listed in some detail, though I confess to having respect for working dogs such as guide dogs, sheep (as in 'one man and a dog') dogs and search/rescue dogs. However I was surprised that I seemed to have touched such a raw nerve amongst the dog owning fraternity that my post and the whole the thread were quickly removed from the forum, presumably by a moderator. I wonder if this current thread will suffer the same fate?
Jun 20, 2005
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I understand. I am not against non dog sites anymore than adult only sites. It's only equitable that we should all have the freedom of choice. In fact there ae non dog and non children sites so hopefully we are all happy.

On the bulk weekend bookers I've said my piece a load of times.

I think you're dead right.


Mar 14, 2005
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Children and Dogs?

After all the bad press on how terrible dogs are, can dog owners now relax when on their holiday with their pet? My husband and I repeatedly experience problems when we tie our dog up on a secure lead, complying with Caravan Club rules on a lead no longer than 3 metres from our caravan bodyshell but children do not stay 3 metres away! They come right up to our dogs wanting to stroke and play with them, the dogs are often just laying down on the grass with their water bowl next to them but children often just won't leave them in peace. Please can parents control their children and keep them on their own pitch or take them to the play area (where dogs are not allowed) - if the dog did jump up and knock a child over accidentally playing the parents would soon complain! We all share a common interest, I am not against children, I have my own children and grandchildren who have been brought up to respect animals, if the owner is with the dog walking it on a lead and the child asks permission to stroke the dog then that is great, but if the owner has popped back inside the caravan or is laying out on a sunbed and the dogs are settled down, please allow them the space that the Caravan Club has said they are allowed - 3 metres isn't a great deal - your children have the whole site.


Mar 14, 2005
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The topic is starting to slide down the "Love 'em v Hate.em" lines.

The original posting was asking for sites which do not have dogs, not a debate about good and bad dogs or dog owners.

A posting earler said "I was surprised that I seemed to have touched such a raw nerve amongst the dog owning fraternity that my post and the whole the thread were quickly removed from the forum, presumably by a moderator. I wonder if this current thread will suffer the same fate?"

If the topic degenerates into the somewhat usual state when it is sidetracked, then I can assure you the topic wil not last long.

Please keep to the question,any sites which do not accept dogs, simple really.
Mar 8, 2007
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Scouse Ian,

With regards to your original post, Hoburne sites do not allow dogs (Bashley being an acception) and the site at Cirencester is not far from Oxford,

Best regards, Martin

PS. I do not have a problem with dogs, but can't say the same about some of the owners
Jul 3, 2006
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As a pup our black lab would jump up at people (some people would even invite her to jump up) and we would scold her for doing so, "It's ok, I like dogs would be the common reply"

It's not damnwell ok!!, what if she jumps up at a child or other infirm person we would reply.

We don't like strange dogs coming up to us or our children and try to train Maddie not to do so even though she is so soft that 16 month old will lie on her without a flinch and she stands by as the cats rob her food, but what can you do when thoughtless strangers actually encourage her to go to them.

When we take her onto the beach she is obsessed with chasing her ball and pays little attention to other people and dogs but then some yappy little rat, out of control will start pestering her and us
Mar 8, 2007
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As a pup our black lab would jump up at people (some people would even invite her to jump up) and we would scold her for doing so, "It's ok, I like dogs would be the common reply"

It's not damnwell ok!!, what if she jumps up at a child or other infirm person we would reply.

We don't like strange dogs coming up to us or our children and try to train Maddie not to do so even though she is so soft that 16 month old will lie on her without a flinch and she stands by as the cats rob her food, but what can you do when thoughtless strangers actually encourage her to go to them.

When we take her onto the beach she is obsessed with chasing her ball and pays little attention to other people and dogs but then some yappy little rat, out of control will start pestering her and us

As I have said in my post above...

"I do not have a problem with dogs, but can't say the same about some of the owners"

The manner in which yourself and they way who would prefer/expect your dog to behave obviously makes you an acception

best regards, Martin


Mar 14, 2005
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I have two dogs. I NEVER tie them up outside the van for the simple reason that some children cannot stay away. When I was a young child, I was mad about dogs and if I saw two dogs tied up, I would approach them. So I can't really blame the children.

However, in this day of compensation culture, all it takes is for a dog to jump up a child, knock it over, an onlooker sees the child on its back crying, the dog standing over it, or licking the childs face. That's when the problems can start.

I appreciate some people are genuinely scared of dogs and some people don't like dogs.

Dogs can be great companions and great fun to work with, however in the hands of the irresponsible lazy dog owner, they can be total nuisances or more.



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