The comment about Spain is probaby spot on! Caravanning, but in the south of Spain, and probably still warm enough to make damp towels not such a problem!!!
Christmas in France appears to be less commercialised, but with decorated trees at the entrance to, and exit from, almost every small village, carols in the main squares and streets of the large towns (often in English) and still things like ice rinks, and Christmas markets. Even the small hilltop village near our friend's house had a little Christmas market, with the local ladies selling their wares (food, crafts, biscuits, mulled wine, and the usual tombolas and so on). Much more like a school fair than avid commercialism!
I wouldn't know about Midnight mass - the last time we went was more than thirty years ago before my sons were born, when it was a bit of a tradition to leave our local and walk across to the local Catholic church - where the celebrations were joyous and very inclusive of the mainly non-Catholic crowd who joined in.
In another post on another forum I described how, when we had a picnic in Riez in Provence, we sat outside a nunnery, in a lovely sunny field - and listened to the sisters chanting in the little open chapel. It really was the most magical experience, and still typing about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck tingle! There really is something about religious music, when well done and done without hypocrisy, which can be life-enhancing.