Christmas ruined

Jan 17, 2010
After we booked our summer holiday to france next year on the euro tunnel, I was made redundant the following wednesday. so now job seeking.
And if things could'nt get any worse we had ordered our christmas turkey of Ashley Peacock! Roll on new year in Moffat
Dec 14, 2006
Sorry to hear about that - my OH was made redundant in February - and we're now living on fresh air and hope! I hope your job hunting goes well - and perhaps you will get away after all!
Jan 19, 2008
Sorry to hear about your job CC, and your sons loss Val, but I'm a great believer that something will turn up and never get despondent. So far my philosophy has worked and despite some setbacks in my life things have turned out for the better.
Mar 1, 2009
Try not to worry claire will try and get the orders for the turkey sent out, once she pulls herself together. Sorry to hear you lost your job though. But you will enjoy Moffat.



I am always sorry to hear of anyone getting redundancy. I have been through it 3 times during my working life, as the oil industry is pretty ruthless and of course as we worked outside the UK, there was no redundancy package. 3 months salary was usually your lot. The 1st time was the worst as you cannot really believe it has happened. You are sitting with 2 kids, a mortgage and credit bills to pay. Going to the JobCentre is usually a joke and absolutely soul destroying. My wife was made redundant the same week, so even more gloom. She went along to a local supermarket and begged for any job possible, and became a check out operator. Not ideal for a botanist., but it helped put food on the table. By the 2nd and 3rd you are aware of things better and become more blasé. However, as with all things in time it turns around, and usually an upswing happens faster than you think.

Of course this time of the year does not make it any better. All you can do is sit tight until Spring and see what the situation is then. I can only wish you all the best.
Jan 17, 2010
Thanks for the kind words everyone, keeping the chin up and quite sure something will turn up, And at the end of the day theres alot of people worse of than us. Have a nice christmas everyone and i'l raise a glass to the new year.
Oct 8, 2010
most sympathetic, lost my job pf 15 years before last christmas, lost the bloody lot as a result, but guess thing that ever happened, learned to live diffrently and with much less stress! we lost the house the cars and the caravan, 12 months on we have a new house, an older but quite nice volvo, and a lovely caravan, older but all mine, no finance in sight! i own a small patch of land now and taught myself to grow veg and fruit and keep livestock, the income is small but then.. we have very few bills!
i spend my working days working the earth planting harvesting and boxing the veg to sell locally to a few select customers, this time of year we live on our savings till the next season comes around, my advice would be to think outside the box, go for somthing you really love, and no matter what happens be happy, new and shiny in great but old and cheap can be just as satisfying!
best wishes keep your chin up....
Mar 14, 2005
Redundancy is not a pleasant thing and my sympathy goes to any person/family who suffers as a result. I was made redundant from College at the age of 59. The package they offered was more than my annual net take home pay. I intended to retire at 60 when my teacher's pension kicked in. So had a lump sum on redundancy and year later a further lump sum from my superannuation. Unfortunately my mother passed away at the same time so there was eventually further money from winding up my parent's estate/affairs. Now come the spring we will be selling my parents in law's property to wind up that estate. So although I was initially faced with the prospects of wondering what was to become of us as a family, with future happenings, although losing both my mother and my mother in law, we have managed to ride the waves and now lead a comfortable life style. As Lord B. said something will come along and pull you through. we no look back over a sad few years and think "what if"?????? Good luck to you and keep your chin up.


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