Nobody minds or expects anybody to use only one product, there are many other caravan cleaners in the market place. Fenwick's is one amongst lots of others, for instance Autoglym, Muc Off, FSD, Mcklords, Route 2000, Care-avan not to mention all the other cleaners made for caravan companies under their own label. Most of these have been reviewed at one time or another by the entire caravan world and mostly in the Practical Caravan/Motorhome titles. When the Caravan club gave Fenwick's a glowing report in their May 2001(5/5) it was a first for a cleaner and set a bench mark for quality whilst at the same time meeting all the green issues. This of course means, and still does, that the rest of the chemical companies have been playing catch up. Ten years ago Fenwick's came up with Top and Tail the first 2-in-1 toilet fluid. Then something else a bit special, Fendox, a cleaner that cleans without using bleach making it very camping friendly. In these times of credit crunch companies are looking to make extra profit for as little outlay as possible, and this also is one way of promoting extra foot traffic. Own label cheap cleaners seem a good way to achieve this as there are lots of chemical companies out there that will produce the goods to a given price. But at the end of the day you only get what you pay for. BAILEYS instead of saying that any cleaner or even clean water will damage their caravans said Fenwick's was the culprit and that just isn't true. How many Bailey caravan agents use ONLY the recommended cleaner in their maintenance dept and in their PDI inspection? Not many and they stretch the truth. and to be honest now that Baileys have changed the way the vans are assembled they are quite good value for money. Safe and good camping, have a great summer Regards Old Mr Fenwick