COLC……..what crisis?

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Nov 11, 2009
You would be hard pressed to get a hand car wash plus interior clean for the cost of NHS Dental Band 1. When you look at the scope of treatments in Bands 1-3 I would suggest that there are very few if any NHS dentists that offer any more than a small percentage of the possible treatments. It is an unmitigated disaster especially wrt childrens' dental health. My kids are of a generation that were fortunate to have good access to NHS dental services, plus fluoride and being taught the basics of preventive actions. As such they have had almost no fillings and still have excellent teeth. Me, I am reaping the rewards of numerous well meaning aunties giving me Chewing Nuts, Trebor Sherbert Lemons, Seaside Rock and Rhubarb into Sugar. Hence my addiction to 3Dcrowns. As an act of dental self preservation I have even given up Bombay mix, Pork crackling and Japanese Rice Crackers. Each of which have caused me to require crowns, and I cannot even say that the waistline has benefitted.
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Jan 3, 2012
COLC just got more expensive for us.
As you know Mags had appointment last Wednesday, told she needed extraction, but cant do it now the dentist says!!, make another appointment on way out.
So Mags being Mags did this and got an appointment for two weeks time!! We went away on Thursday with her still in pain, but she soldiered on, said I would pay for her on Friday to get somewhere in Devizes, she wanted to wait GRRR!!
Finally got the better of her and we cut the holiday short came home today, private appointment tomorrow,
Changing dentist after this diabolical situation!!!
So £195.00 for the extraction and lost pitch fee.
But she's worth it ( but please dont tell her I said that);)
Glad to see Mags has a considerate husband and her pain will soon be a thing of the past. Hope that the next break away is more successful and you have a good time.
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May 7, 2012
While some effort is needed to buy the right food in a few cases the advice we were always given was that the manufacturers have done their research and all will give you the correct mix for almost any dog and the cheapest they will eat is not going to be a problem. Manufacturers do seem to try to get you to by expensive food by trying to convince you your pet needs something special when it is simply not true.
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Apr 20, 2009
I use a local NHS dentist. Part of a group specialising in NHS work. They have been fine for years. But now they are struggling for dentists and trying to shed patients. I had a call about 6 months ago telling me that my dentist was leaving so they would not be able to help me in the future. I told them that I had never actually seen that dentist so they relented and gave me an appointment. A bit later I lost a filling. No pain, but it was a useful tooth.

I had my appointment last Saturday morning. A new dentist (to me anyway). He made me laugh calling it an emergency appointment. He did not have enough purchase to put a filling on so put a hard covering on instead. which is doing the job. That cost £23.80 as in your list. He then said I could go ‘adventurous‘, I could have a peg into the root then a cap. But that would be £600 plus!

John, talking to son and DIL yesterday and they have the same problem, both them and the two grandaughters aged 8 and 10 went to the same dentist (not the same as me and Mags) and were told that the only NHS dentist in the practice has left so could not be treated by them any more. So they now have to find and pay for a family dental plan.
Jun 16, 2020
John, talking to son and DIL yesterday and they have the same problem, both them and the two grandaughters aged 8 and 10 went to the same dentist (not the same as me and Mags) and were told that the only NHS dentist in the practice has left so could not be treated by them any more. So they now have to find and pay for a family dental plan.

As OC says, the NHS contract should be updated so that it can work for dentists. The cynic in me thinks that as long as the government makes it unworkable, the more people will be forced into the private sector.



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