Combining two fresh water containers

Jul 11, 2007
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I am going to be living in a caravan for nearly three months. As I don't particularly want to trapse to the shower block every time I shower, but one shower nearly uses up a 40-litre container, I wonder if it is possible to connect two containers so that one automatically tops up the other. I guess probably not, but who knows? Any other ideas on how to solve the problem?

Mar 19, 2007
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Hi Kevin,

Yes it is possible to link them. You need a length of food quality pipe and a non-return valve. Place the indirect water container a bit higher than the direct one, a couple of wooden block will do, put the free end of the pipe into the higher container, suck water through the non-return valve end and as soon as the water flows put it into the direct container. The system should now syphon water from teh indirect into the direct, keeping the levels equal until the indirect is empty, but because it is higher you will still have a small amount in teh direct container. You now have 2 containers to fill!

Alternatively, swap teh pump from one to the other as one empties (no good if you in teh shower when it happens) or if water is available on the pitch go for a direct plumbing system, or continuous supply to the water container via a ball valve.

Hope this makes sense

Jul 11, 2007
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Hi Alan,

I had considered syphoning, but wasn't sure what would happen. If I interpret what you write correctly, I could raise the indirect, say, 6 inches and have 6 inches less water in it than the direct. Then start the syphon and as the direct is used, water will be syphoned from the indirect until the levels are the same again. If I make sure they are both full before bedtime, that should get us through until after breakfast. Thanks a lot. Don't think a direct connection will come into question, but will ask before we buy another container.



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