Unfortunately Jonny we as a nation can no longer afford the luxury of police officers to previous levels hence the introduction of CSWs.
I guess if our taxes and rates were increased then maybe more police could be employed . BUT who would want to pay more than we do now?
....I have just (two days ago) driven past two yellow smack ladies in Long Marston, I was looking for a particular place so crawling anyway.
These people cannot be civilians if the police are instructing them and allowing use of their equipment surely.......
Had I been going faster and above the 30mph even if it was only 1 mile plus I would certainly stop, get out and challenge these people and get their details.....as legally you can get the police ID No in any situ, I think after that I would dial 999.
I have been told police cannot procecute. I know anyone can inform police of any driving offense.
I assume that these people who are volunteer of logging speeders with police equipment and what looked like police smack macs are issured by police should they ever have a mad mad attack them LOL
As for the rates we pay we already pay £2300 and its going up again this year.......
Especially, people in villages ( whare I also live) you drive in no entry road just because its quite, quicker, better excess, and I don't look at signs,,,,,, constantly take the roundabout wrong..... curb crawl and then are abusive to other motorist because they are terrified on the road and can't drive anyway!!! Not to mention the ones who drive in the middle of the lanes because they can't judge their vehicle from the curb.....
but its only the speeders who are bad....
Should we have a survey
What do you class a speeder as???????
Driver deliberately 1mph above limit or 5 or 20 or 15 or lapse of conscentration..........
by the same point what do you class a crwawler as
Deliberately driving 1mph under the limit or 5 or 20 or 15 ....or lapse of conscentration?
Just curious ,, had my rant now it does good to rant sometimes..... OB what a rant. LOL