compass for sky dish

Mar 14, 2005
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i hope this does not sound dumb,but i would like to know how to use a compass when tuning in my sky what direction will i need to point it what degrees should i be looking for any help would be greatly apprecaited
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Tony,

For Astra 2 satellite you want the dish to be pointing approximately SSE (south south east).

Hope that helps, good luck and remember to move the dish very slowly.


Mar 14, 2005
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If you draw a line on the compass at 28.2 degrees east of south or SSE then when the arrow is on North the line will be where you start to look for the satellite.

It does vary depending on where you are in the Europe
Mar 14, 2005
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What a load of nonsense - why go away with a satallite dish and all the potch of erecting it. Surely to God the idea of a caravan holiday is to get away and relax and enjoy the surrounding area, whether it be in this country or abroad. I just do not understand any person going away to watch TV, whether it be terestial or satellite, most of the progammes are a load of rubbish anyway. Get out in the fresh air and enjoy yourself and not sit in your tin box watching a box. We take a tv with us but very rarely is it turned on - generally only for breakfast tv and then its off for the day. Get a life.
Mar 14, 2005
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everyone to there own if i wanna sit in and watch tv i will if i wanna and go for a walk and take in the fresh air i will ,what anyone wants to do in their own time when there away in there van is up to them and i have got a life thankyou a very busy one
Mar 14, 2005
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A poor attitude Colin. Who are you to tell people what they should and should not do on their holiday. If you do not want to to watch the TV, why is it Tosh for the rest of us. Why bother to comment when you have nothing constructive to add.
Mar 14, 2005
I agree with the last 3 replies. Tony asked a simple question and is entitled to an appropriate answer. He did not ask about the whys and wherefores about watching TV while away in the caravan so Colin's response has got absolutely nothing to do with the question raised and is of no help to anyone. If he feels that way, he should create a new topic to cover the issue but it's been gone over so many times before and there's never been a concensus of opinion so why bother again?
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Lutz but what is really annoying is that the no TV brigade are now on two websites.

Nobody is forcing them .Maybe one day a disability will afflict them and TV will the be a godsend as it is for us.Falling from a pedestal can cause a serious loss of face !!!
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Lutz but what is really annoying is that the no TV brigade are now on two websites.

Nobody is forcing them .Maybe one day a disability will afflict them and TV will the be a godsend as it is for us.Falling from a pedestal can cause a serious loss of face !!!
I am not a member of the "no television" brigade. As I stated in my answer I take a tv with us in the caravan and often watch it at breakfast time whilst having our meal and general chores of washing up, etc. It is then switched off and my wife and self go out and about to enjoy the scenes and see what is about. We return usually about 8:00pm and maybe watch tv or possibly read a magazine/book as the mood takes us. What I have said is that I cannot understand people being fanatical about tv whilst on holidays when there is so much more interesting things to do and enjoy. TV is very low down in our priorities and assumption. I hope this had made my thoughts clearer for those who have not understood the point I was trying to make.

Therefore please do not include me in this anti tv group as I definately not fit into this group. Also I do not consider myself as a Victor Meldrew - far from it in fact.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think the 'relevant statement'is made in the last sentence of your 'Comment' Colin. Even Victor Meldrew didn't consider himself to be a 'Victor Meldrew' type of person. Live & let live is my philosophy.
Apr 4, 2005
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As a new caravaner it is sad to see that there are such sad people as Colin about, I had hoped for a friendly bunch. If we want to watch the Tv who does he think he is to suggest that we need to get a life, Sadly I can just picture him in his bobble hat or cap discussing routes to camp sites and the merits of the latest new vans!!!! Surley whatever we do the point is to relax and enjoy ourselves.
Mar 14, 2005
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What a load of nonsense - why go away with a satallite dish and all the potch of erecting it. Surely to God the idea of a caravan holiday is to get away and relax and enjoy the surrounding area, whether it be in this country or abroad. I just do not understand any person going away to watch TV, whether it be terestial or satellite, most of the progammes are a load of rubbish anyway. Get out in the fresh air and enjoy yourself and not sit in your tin box watching a box. We take a tv with us but very rarely is it turned on - generally only for breakfast tv and then its off for the day. Get a life.
Colin. Wrong. The purpose of going caravanning is to be able to do what you want, when you want.


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