Condensation between double glazed window ?

Mar 14, 2005
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Hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, but are caravan windows double glazed ( double skinned ? ) as in upvc glazing ?

Our front window on the van ( 2005 Bailey Ranger ) has misted up in a corner ( size of an old L.P ) and if it was on my house window, I would say that the vacuum seal had gone. The condensation is not inside the van nor outside, but between the two sheets of plastic.

I've only just noticed it this evening after washing it.....could that be something to do with it ?

The outside temp is quite warm though, about 10 c and no other window has misted up on the van.

Is this anything to be worried about or quite normal with caravans??

P.S Yes I am new to caravaning !!


Mar 14, 2005
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this happens with some double glazed caravan will see that the windows have a small plastic grommit which you can take out(take gt care in doing this).then you can either, if its a warm day,leave the window to heat up and the moisture will evaporate,or you can use a hairdryer making sure you do not overheat and warp the window.when you have rid the window of the moisture,put grommit back in,use a little clear silicone sealant when you replace just to seal it.
Nov 6, 2005
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Don't worry about it, it's natural.

If you want to get rid of condensation, remove the sealing plugs on a fine, cold day, when the moisture content of ambient air is at it's lowest. Replace the plugs the same day.

The cold spell in February when we had freezing overnight and clear sky in the daytime was the ideal time to do it.


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