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Mar 14, 2005
Taken from the Tiscali News page today:

12/03/2008 09:59

A council has said a group of eastern European immigrants living rough and "rent-free" in a city are giving migrant workers a bad name.

Up to 20 Lithuanians, Slovakians, Poles, Ukrainians and Russians have set up camp in an area of Peterborough, Cambs.

Peterborough City Council said the group, mainly male and in their 30s or 40s, had refused all offers of help and had continued living "rent-free" on the streets.

"They have been told that their camp is illegal and must be removed but have moved their tents only a short distance further along," said a spokesman.

"It may next be necessary to take enforcement action. Essentially, they have refused opportunities for work and only undertake sporadic employment when no other means of support are available. They prefer to live rent free."

The spokesman said three tents have been put up in the city's Bourges Boulevard, with up to 20 "rough sleepers" thought to be living there.

The spokesman added: "It gives migrant workers a bad name and denigrates Peterborough's reputation."

Antony Slack, 47, of the Peterborough Christian United People Ministry, is helping the group by handing out food and clothing.

Why are they allowed to even be here if they refuse to work?

Why are they now going to cost the local taxpayer a lot of money to get a law case for their injunction?

Why is some pseudo religious idiot aiding and abetting them by giving out food and clothes?

Why not just load them up and ship them back to where they came form,,,,,,,,,oh yes, forgot,we cant, may be a breach of Human Rights.
Jan 19, 2008
Well said Damian, 100% spot on.

I wonder if it was gio giving out the food.... hehheh! Sorry gio, only kidding mate but couldn't resist it. Now slaps myself and stands in the corner :O(
Mar 16, 2005
"Typical gio, 90% of the population, including second and third generation immigrants are stupid and have no idea at all.

I might add gio that to be born here, as my ancestors were born here is more than a feeling, it's pride, pride in my country and what it has achieved throughout history. It is pride that stops me handing my culture and heritage over to another culture who believes it is US who should adapt to their culture and laws. It is a pride that will make me fight against people, like yourself, who are prepared to allow my heritage and culture to die.

All I can say gio is if you have no pride in this land, culture or heritage you cannot be of British extraction otherwise you would know what we mean.

My instinct tells me from your nic that you are of Italian decent and if so I can understand why you don't feel proud and that's not an insult, just a fact. That doesn't mean to say other people whose parents are from other lands don't feel the same pride, it's something that just happens.

I know Indians and people from muslim countries and they are proud to be British and integrate without pushing their religion down our throats, people like these I welcome. There are two in my road, both married to white English women and nice people as well.

Your comment about education is again without foundation. You fail to mention the schools where English is the second language. The schools where teachers, to the detriment of others, have to spend more time with kids who haven't got a grasp of English. Schools where there are hardly any Asians having to take Urdu as a language while the school drops French and German.

O.K. gio, I know we are all wrong and you are right so I give up, nothing will persuade you otherwise until you wake up to reality one day in the future."

LB, you have a fantastic way of turning your quotes around to mean something different to what you said and meant in the first place.

Now all of a sudden you are talking of the virtues of 2nd and 3rd generation hindus and even muslims! It was only a couple of posts ago where you were slatting muslims, full stop. Now there are exceptions!

I was going to say glad to hear it, but no,what is the exception are those immigrants that are scroungers,thieves,muggers,ect,ect.

The problem is the type of attidute you and others show openingly, finding the slightist sliplet of news worthy story to back up your outdated views.

What i find is,if there seems to be a problem social or not, blame the immigrants! If the NHS,seems over stretched, Blame the immigrants. Ect,ect,ect!

But the numbers dont add up,maybe some have problems understanding that 10 and 100s and even 1000s,are small numbers when but into proportion with 60,000,000.

I do recall an evil soul many moons ago,blaming a entire race for there problems,and many millions believed him! He was wrong they were wrong, so when i come across 3 or 4 or 5 people screaming we cannot be wrong, i say our grandfathers didn't fight for their pride,or even culture or heritige,they fought for a good way of life,the right way of life.

Now i have had enough of you accusations that because of my name,i do not understand what it is like to be british,ect,ect,ect.

All i see are some sad individuals looking for somesort of identity,to make themselves special or something!

I'm as british as you,which doesn't say alot really,because i find it embarissing,that there are still some dinosaurs walking these shores.


Nov 12, 2009
Quote ... "Oh dear!

These heated debates always seem to kick off when I'm out".

Spend less time in the pub of an evening then :O)
If you look at the time of my post you'll notice that it says 10.54pm. There's no way that I'd be back for that time if I'd been to the pub.
Jan 19, 2008
"Typical gio, 90% of the population, including second and third generation immigrants are stupid and have no idea at all.

I might add gio that to be born here, as my ancestors were born here is more than a feeling, it's pride, pride in my country and what it has achieved throughout history. It is pride that stops me handing my culture and heritage over to another culture who believes it is US who should adapt to their culture and laws. It is a pride that will make me fight against people, like yourself, who are prepared to allow my heritage and culture to die.

All I can say gio is if you have no pride in this land, culture or heritage you cannot be of British extraction otherwise you would know what we mean.

My instinct tells me from your nic that you are of Italian decent and if so I can understand why you don't feel proud and that's not an insult, just a fact. That doesn't mean to say other people whose parents are from other lands don't feel the same pride, it's something that just happens.

I know Indians and people from muslim countries and they are proud to be British and integrate without pushing their religion down our throats, people like these I welcome. There are two in my road, both married to white English women and nice people as well.

Your comment about education is again without foundation. You fail to mention the schools where English is the second language. The schools where teachers, to the detriment of others, have to spend more time with kids who haven't got a grasp of English. Schools where there are hardly any Asians having to take Urdu as a language while the school drops French and German.

O.K. gio, I know we are all wrong and you are right so I give up, nothing will persuade you otherwise until you wake up to reality one day in the future."

LB, you have a fantastic way of turning your quotes around to mean something different to what you said and meant in the first place.

Now all of a sudden you are talking of the virtues of 2nd and 3rd generation hindus and even muslims! It was only a couple of posts ago where you were slatting muslims, full stop. Now there are exceptions!

I was going to say glad to hear it, but no,what is the exception are those immigrants that are scroungers,thieves,muggers,ect,ect.

The problem is the type of attidute you and others show openingly, finding the slightist sliplet of news worthy story to back up your outdated views.

What i find is,if there seems to be a problem social or not, blame the immigrants! If the NHS,seems over stretched, Blame the immigrants. Ect,ect,ect!

But the numbers dont add up,maybe some have problems understanding that 10 and 100s and even 1000s,are small numbers when but into proportion with 60,000,000.

I do recall an evil soul many moons ago,blaming a entire race for there problems,and many millions believed him! He was wrong they were wrong, so when i come across 3 or 4 or 5 people screaming we cannot be wrong, i say our grandfathers didn't fight for their pride,or even culture or heritige,they fought for a good way of life,the right way of life.

Now i have had enough of you accusations that because of my name,i do not understand what it is like to be british,ect,ect,ect.

All i see are some sad individuals looking for somesort of identity,to make themselves special or something!

I'm as british as you,which doesn't say alot really,because i find it embarissing,that there are still some dinosaurs walking these shores.
Quote .. "Now all of a sudden you are talking of the virtues of 2nd and 3rd generation hindus and even muslims! It was only a couple of posts ago where you were slatting muslims, full stop. Now there are exceptions"!

From my post above gio ...

"If they were decent people the colour of their skin should make no difference, at least they obviously integrated into society by the fact of caravanning".

Notice, the key word being INTEGRATION, not segregation.

In past threads I've stated how proud I am and welcome with open arms those who have integrated into our way of life.

I do feel sorry for those girls who have to endure the practice of forced marriage and women who are treated no better than a dog and have to know their place in a male dominated society.

This has no place in 21st century Britain but nothing will be done about it because we have to pander to these people.
Jan 19, 2008
Quote .. "Now all of a sudden you are talking of the virtues of 2nd and 3rd generation hindus and even muslims! It was only a couple of posts ago where you were slatting muslims, full stop. Now there are exceptions"!

From my post above gio ...

"If they were decent people the colour of their skin should make no difference, at least they obviously integrated into society by the fact of caravanning".

Notice, the key word being INTEGRATION, not segregation.

In past threads I've stated how proud I am and welcome with open arms those who have integrated into our way of life.

I do feel sorry for those girls who have to endure the practice of forced marriage and women who are treated no better than a dog and have to know their place in a male dominated society.

This has no place in 21st century Britain but nothing will be done about it because we have to pander to these people.
Mar 16, 2005
LB, imagine had you made this and your previous post,prior to my original response. You would not have herd a peep from me.

Now must get back to moaning about all those new ved groups starting next year.......I would not mind,if they where to use the money on ALL transport systems, but alas what will happen is it will be ploughed into organisations like the NHS,not for the benefit of the patients, but for upper management to shamefully waste most of it,and then the sun can blame the immigrants for the shortfall....
Jul 20, 2007
Giovanni wrote:

Now must get back to moaning about all those new ved groups starting next year.......I would not mind,if they where to use the money on ALL transport systems, but alas what will happen is it will be ploughed into organisations like the NHS,not for the benefit of the patients, but for upper management to shamefully waste most of it,and then the sun can blame the immigrants for the shortfall....

Probably best not to mention the NHS, old chap.

Some might be of the opinion that the rise in hospital infections, resulting from squalid wards, has an uncanny parallel with the rise in immigrant workers employed by the contract cleaners.

It's a matter of standards. Hospital cleaning has long been performed by 'black' women - typically, Jamaican matronly types with a staunch Christian faith, and for whom well scrubbed cleanliness was most definitely next to Godliness.

Now, we have a new wave of cleaners - and one cannot help thinking that they strongly believe that the standards of Albanian hospitals are quite good enough for the UK. Consequently, thousands are dying - one might almost say that they are sacrifices upon the altar of Political Correctness, since it appears to be considered rather blasphemous to suggest that the standards of Eastern Europe are not good enough.

And, if that's not enough to deter you from raising the subject of the NHS - consider the millions of pounds being lavished on health tourists (often from Africa) who arrive in the UK for a jolly good holiday, and the then suddenly discover that they have an acute disease or condition that simply must be attended to without delay (free of charge, naturally)

Ah, Giovanni! - the NHS is definitely *not* the place for an enthusiastic muticulturalist to tread. There are simply too many deep holes to fall down.
Mar 16, 2005
The problem is geist,we lay the blame in diferent quarters, you immediatly made it a immigration issue! even though many hospitals even though they do not have these types of cleaners you mention,still have the problems.

Yet the standards started to decline when the tories brought in all those trusts,and trust managers.

Sooner or latter you must stop blaming the lowly worker,and look up to the office windows to see where it all started....
Jul 20, 2007
Damina wrote:

Antony Slack, 47, of the Peterborough Christian United People Ministry, is helping the group by handing out food and clothing.

I have been asked to comment on this matter by the Rough Sleeper's Association (RSA) who are becoming increasingly concerned at the way in which their traditional way of life is under threat from the newcomers.

From his cardboard office in a Peterborough alleyway (location not published on request) RSA Chairperson, Stan Doss, told me of his members feelings - and alluded specifically to the charitable work being undertaken by the town's United People's Ministry.

"Oi'm not one ter speak ill o' anyone", commented 63 year old Mr Doss, "But ter see these 'ere (expletive deleted) furriner's musclin' in on our patch is nothin' short o' a (expletive deleted) disgrace!!"

"Oi've bin begging in this town fer nigh on forty years", he continued, "an' we've allus had a good relationship wi' the local clergy, 'specially the Sally Army"

"There wus rules in them days - we all 'ad our parts ter play, an' we all knew what wus expected o' us!" said Mr Doss, adding, "We knew as we'd 'ave ter repent and sing an 'ymn or too - mebbe even a prayer if the vittles was especially good" "It made the Salvation lassies feel good, and it didn't do us no 'arm - we got our grub, and everyone wus 'appy!"

"Now!", spat Mr Doss, "These 'ere (expletive deleted) Ruskies and Poles, and Gaw'd knows what, is taking the bread from our mouths! - and they ain't one bit grateful fer it, neither!"

"You don't 'ere *them* singin' 'ymns!, nor prayin' neither" said Mr Doss, scathingly, , "They acts like they owns the place - and as if if it's their *right* ter be fed for nuthin' - I've heard 'em swearin' at the Clergyman wi' me own ears, yet 'e *still* feeds the (expletive deleted)!!"

"I don't know where it's orl goin' ter end", concluded an obviously disheartened Mr Doss, "Orl I really knows fer sure is that this country seems ter care for fer furrin tramps than it does fer its own!"

One can quite see his point! - and it's outrageous that free food is being handed out to healthy Russian shirkers, while people like Mr Doss (who could have been a war hero had it not been for his corns) is sidelined and forced to watch while addled headed religious maniacs are taken for a ride by these ungrateful idlers!

The onus is upon us all to support the RSA - charity, as they say, begins at home ;)
Mar 16, 2005
"Damina wrote:

Antony Slack, 47, of the Peterborough Christian United People Ministry, is helping the group by handing out food and clothing.

I have been asked to comment on this matter by the Rough Sleeper's Association (RSA) who are becoming increasingly concerned at the way in which their traditional way of life is under threat from the newcomers.

From his cardboard office in a Peterborough alleyway (location not published on request) RSA Chairperson, Stan Doss, told me of his members feelings - and alluded specifically to the charitable work being undertaken by the town's United People's Ministry.

"Oi'm not one ter speak ill o' anyone", commented 63 year old Mr Doss, "But ter see these 'ere (expletive deleted) furriner's musclin' in on our patch is nothin' short o' a (expletive deleted) disgrace!!"

"Oi've bin begging in this town fer nigh on forty years", he continued, "an' we've allus had a good relationship wi' the local clergy, 'specially the Sally Army"

"There wus rules in them days - we all 'ad our parts ter play, an' we all knew what wus expected o' us!" said Mr Doss, adding, "We knew as we'd 'ave ter repent and sing an 'ymn or too - mebbe even a prayer if the vittles was especially good" "It made the Salvation lassies feel good, and it didn't do us no 'arm - we got our grub, and everyone wus 'appy!"

"Now!", spat Mr Doss, "These 'ere (expletive deleted) Ruskies and Poles, and Gaw'd knows what, is taking the bread from our mouths! - and they ain't one bit grateful fer it, neither!"

"You don't 'ere *them* singin' 'ymns!, nor prayin' neither" said Mr Doss, scathingly, , "They acts like they owns the place - and as if if it's their *right* ter be fed for nuthin' - I've heard 'em swearin' at the Clergyman wi' me own ears, yet 'e *still* feeds the (expletive deleted)!!"

"I don't know where it's orl goin' ter end", concluded an obviously disheartened Mr Doss, "Orl I really knows fer sure is that this country seems ter care for fer furrin tramps than it does fer its own!"

One can quite see his point! - and it's outrageous that free food is being handed out to healthy Russian shirkers, while people like Mr Doss (who could have been a war hero had it not been for his corns) is sidelined and forced to watch while addled headed religious maniacs are taken for a ride by these ungrateful idlers!

The onus is upon us all to support the RSA - charity, as they say, begins at home ;)"

You are having a laugh now,are you not.

What next? a report from the criminal element? or rapists complaining how immigrants are getting in on their act.!

Tell you what why not post a thousand articles along those lines,then maybe we can get a accurate figure for these so called

High percentage of want not immigrants.

Better still,take a walk through you local city centre,try to found those so called no go areas. Shouldn't be difficult.just listen out for the loud swearing by drunken yobs, youths.

Makes you proud to be british.........
Jun 17, 2011
What a controvaersy this thread has created. Enoch Powell was in the shadow cabinet at the time when the Labour Government were pushing though a Act on imigration, (can't remember the detils). His famous speach was based on quotations from his constituents, in Wolverhampton. He was sacked from the shadow cabinet. He subsequently resigned over another issue. he then joined the Ulster Unionists.
Jan 19, 2008
Have a heart gio, where's your charity. It should begin at home and you should at least be giving Mr Doss some respect.

The RSA are at least a genuine British institution and I know many of it's members, especially it's secretary, Ivor Bench.

The main complaint from the RSA since these "furriners" came here is the waste containers at the back of supermarkets have now become no-go areas to its members. Where are they supposed to dine now that these "furriners" have taken over their eateries and are also being fed by crackpot evangelicals who are seeking to atone for their past sins.
Mar 14, 2005
Two points to be raised on postings from Giovani and Chris.

First of all in your assumed hyperthetical report you state that Mr. Doss had quite possibly served this country in the second world war. Fair enough he has helped this country and contributed to its survival, however it appears that he has fallen on hard times. I fully supoort the genuine British subject who has contributed to the well being of the country at some time in their life. These eastern European squatters who have now settled on open land in Peterborough and expect all the help from us can, in my opinion, b****r off back home NOW. They are a parasite on the British society and do not desrve help from us when their own people will not help them.

The second point Chris was that Enoch Powell, according to the programme, was not sacked from the Tory party but resigned as matter of principle against the policies of Ted Heath and his entry to the EU.
Jan 19, 2008
Colin it wasn't gio who mentioned Mr Doss serving his country, it was Geists excellent post.

It's easy to understand your confusion though because gio copy/pastes the whole of the thread of the person he's replying to.

It's called flooding :O(

If he mentioned it was a "quote" it might help but it certainly confuses people, including myself and I've posted some of it ... hehheh! It's difficult to see where the post he's replying to ends and his kicks off :O(
Mar 14, 2005
Colin it wasn't gio who mentioned Mr Doss serving his country, it was Geists excellent post.

It's easy to understand your confusion though because gio copy/pastes the whole of the thread of the person he's replying to.

It's called flooding :O(

If he mentioned it was a "quote" it might help but it certainly confuses people, including myself and I've posted some of it ... hehheh! It's difficult to see where the post he's replying to ends and his kicks off :O(
Apologies to both Giovani and Geists


Mar 14, 2005
Just a small point guys !

Is there really any need to keep copying a previous post in entirety and then replying to it?

It makes reading the forum very hard and is totally unnecessary.

I ask that if reference is made, just say, don't copy and paste every single word.

The reason I ask this is that I need glasses to read, but after todays budget I can no longer afford to drive to get them, and my meagre pension increase has just been taken away, plus more, by the very caring Chancellor, who will probably spend it on illegal occupation of other countries, child support for Eastern European families not actually living here, and sending back the drugs mules with
Jan 19, 2008
Gio, for flooding go stand in the corner, gargle with holy maids water and say ten "Hail Agnieszka."

After that write out 100 lines saying "I will not flood my posts with others posts in the future".

Failure to do so will cause you to be deported to work in the Indesit factory in Polska for the remainder of your days.

Hehheh! :O)


Nov 12, 2009

Don't write out 100 lines as Lord B says. Just write one and 'flood' the rest ;0)
May 4, 2005
Damian (Moderator)

12 Mar 2008 11:23 PM Just a small point guys !

Is there really any need to keep copying a previous post in entirety and then replying to it?

It makes reading the forum very hard and is totally unnecessary.

I ask that if reference is made, just say, don't copy and paste every single word.

The reason I ask this is that I need glasses to read, but after todays budget I can no longer afford to drive to get them, and my meagre pension increase has just been taken away, plus more, by the very caring Chancellor, who will probably spend it on illegal occupation of other countries, child support for Eastern European families not actually living here, and sending back the drugs mules with
Jan 19, 2008
I'm off in the morning for 9 days, hoping to test my lappy out connection wise :O)

Keep gio in check for me while I'm away. If he keeps on, gag him and sit him in the corner until I get back ... hehheh!

Toodle pip.


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