Coolbox/Fridge Recommendations

Jul 27, 2009
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The fridge in our caravan has long since died and a replacement is way beyond our budget.

At present we use an electric coolbox which chills to 20 below ambient temperature. However, we find that in the summer months it doesnt cool enough to safely store dairy products.

Other than buying a brand new caravan fridge, can anyone here recommended a better electric coolbox/mini fridge that we can use.


Jun 14, 2010
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Hi sarah

I purchased a small bench top freezer from comet a few months ago, i will be using this in our awning when touring, comet also did the fridge in the same size, i paid


Coolboxes work quite well but as you say 20 degrees below is about the max. Fine when the air temp is 25 but not so good when it is 35. They should also not be used continously with the mains adapter, or so the instructions state, although we use ours a lot but switch it off at night.

The ideal answer is to get the proper fridge, anything else is really not a long term solution
Jan 2, 2010
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We have the caravan fridge and to boost chilling capacity we have an Electrolux camping fridge in the awing this like the van frige runs off gas, 240v or 12v.It looks like a mini chest freezer.

I cant remember how much it was but It was no where near the price of a fitted caravan fridge.

An added bonus is we have it in the garden with the beers in when we have a barie, not so far to walk for a beer !!!
Jul 27, 2009
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I would love a proper caravan fridge but its just not an option, would cost more than the caravan is worth!

The coolbox we have does not say how long it can be left on and we have used it for a whole week with no probs, but its not good when the weather is warmer.

Might take a look at the mini chest style ones that drsorento suggests. As its portable and not fitted it means we could use it if we went camping or if we ever change our caravan.
Sep 15, 2006
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If you use only sites with an electric hookup it might be worth considering the waeco ck40 - this is a compressor fridge so will stay cold even in the very hottest of weather. Indeed its so good you can use it as a freezer (goes to about -15C).
Jul 27, 2009
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Seen the Waeco CK40 and thought about buying one, but would like to see one rather than go from a photo. Not sure how much we could fit in - we can stand 2ltr bottle in our electric coolbox.

If I could get a fixed one pretty cheap I may consider it but the age of the caravan puts me off paying out mega money for fixed parts. Also the gas pipework & electic supply were removed along with the original fridge so the cost of replacing that would need to be considered too. Thats why I think a portable option would be better.
Jul 27, 2009
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Cannot be any more noisy than the fan on the electric cool box we use. Found the cheapest deal at a local store so might pop in and see if they have one on display.


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