Credit cards in France

Mar 14, 2005
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Recent experience shows potential problem with credit cards in France. Used Visa issued as an affinity card by Liverpool Victoria. ATMs initially accepted card but then tried to withdraw cash and had to re-enter PIN. ATM siad "Incorrect PIN" which it wasn't - particularly the second time when I got the wife to do it and she's NEvER wrong. After thrid try card blocked completely. Card cannot be unblocked from UK (or at all) and whole new account has to be set up. Told to call Visa International to whom i had to explain where France is, and two days later got emergency card. But these have no PIN and despite Visa telling me than any bank would give me cash over counter against card and 2 x ID this was not available. Liverpool Victoria very unhelpful - just said "should be OK but is at banks discretion" Tried 3 major French banks. Speak reasonable French and was told quite clearly by all 3 "Pas di code, pas de argent" No PIN no money. Card worked OK in stores and for diesel, but sites wanted cash.

Card would also work after failed attemps at ATM until you had tried 3 times (total). Tried different ATMs of different French banks just in case one had a fault. Had to stay on site 2 working days waiting for courier as was stated to need passport but didn't ask for it. Visa International also wanted to know credit limit on the account in addition to normal security questions.

Sorry to go on but hope this may save someone else the same frustrations.
Mar 14, 2005
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I've never had many problems with any type of plastic card in France except briefly at a 'Champion' supermarket this year - the card worked everywhere else.

I always ensure though that I tell my bank/s that I am going abroad as they may close down your account for security reasons, when using them in another country!
Mar 14, 2005
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We always take Visa and Mastercard credit cards, and a debit card. I carry Visa for both myself and Mrs P, and she carries both Mastercards. Then if one of us loses a wallet we are not totally stuffed.

We always tell the c/c company dates and countries. The only problem we had this summer was when the Goldfish card needed an identity check. The supermarket cashier wouldn't do one, so I simply used the other card. Next time on the Goldfish was no problem.
Mar 14, 2005
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To reply to both messages above. Yes i had told the bank that I was travelling with countries and dates - a previous bad experience Spring 2005 indicates this is largely a waste of time and stamps.

The point is that this affinty card uses as a major sales pitch the fact that it does not charge foreign exchange commission on each transaction as most cards do, and thus should work out about 2.75% cheaper overall - which on a long tour translates into several bottles of wine. I too carry cards from other banks.

I was also trying to make the point that the "Emergency Card" system from Visa International has its drawbacks which are not explained in the publicity material
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ray we have used our coop debit cards for years in most areas and never had a problem with atms or switch even on a small greek island this year

how ever we do update which banks we can use before we go on holiday,hope this helps
Apr 19, 2005
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I must admit I have a co-op debit card and never experienced any problems abroad, if they don`t do Pins they usually except the signature. Holland is another story though !!!
Mar 14, 2005
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The French are apparently adopting the international standard (as the UK has), so hopefully in the future we will not experience the frustrations that currently occasionly occur.
Aug 31, 2005
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France is, as you say, moving away from its proprietary chip and pin (called B0Prime for anyone who's remotely interested) to the EMV standard (as being used in UK now). However this is not the issue; the issue is the interoperability and cooperation between card schemes. In my experience, carry both VISA credit and Maestro Credit and Debit will ensure that you are OK in France or elsewhere. If I were to choose one, I'd probably go for the Meastro .

Mar 14, 2005
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France is, as you say, moving away from its proprietary chip and pin (called B0Prime for anyone who's remotely interested) to the EMV standard (as being used in UK now). However this is not the issue; the issue is the interoperability and cooperation between card schemes. In my experience, carry both VISA credit and Maestro Credit and Debit will ensure that you are OK in France or elsewhere. If I were to choose one, I'd probably go for the Meastro .

Interoperability eh! - now what does that mean?
Mar 14, 2005
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We have had no problems using either Maestro or Visa at supermarkets and garages. Our problems have been when trying to get fuel from the autmated pumps when the garage is closed.

I carry a number of credit and debit cards and none of them would work. The problem is made much worse because usually the 24hour garages are only the automated type
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ray

I use my bank debit card and CC card both work ok.

I used CC card this year so I could see exactly how much my hol cost from beginning to end. I was impressed with CCc as they gave over the normal exchange than anyone else 1.47euros, and do not charge commision, I will be keeping mine.

More money saved paid everthing off before I received the bill, so no interest charged.

Oh, One small thing, I love spending hubby's money, but also remember to watch his pennies, so theres more for me!!!!!
Aug 28, 2005
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Only yesterday we went to France (day trip) and as I was concerned about refusal due to unusual spending habits. Spoke to 3 card issuers re the subject (two credit, one debit) all said that the used "systems" to pick up patterns of spending and to stop fraud.

We don't use our CC much and so if we were to use it five times in one day the system would detect it and would deny the card. It is up to you to get the block removed even if you have told the CC company before.

As for Clive V's problems with automated pumps - the answer is you'll have to get a CB card Carte Bleu - at least for the next few years as France are coming over to the international standard but they will be very slow to adopt this as CB which really is chip and pin - have been very successful in France. The only way to get a CB card in the UK is to open a Bank Account with a French Bank - this is one way that frequent visitors to France get round the problem.


Monkey's Husband
May 5, 2005
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Only yesterday we went to France (day trip) and as I was concerned about refusal due to unusual spending habits. Spoke to 3 card issuers re the subject (two credit, one debit) all said that the used "systems" to pick up patterns of spending and to stop fraud.

We don't use our CC much and so if we were to use it five times in one day the system would detect it and would deny the card. It is up to you to get the block removed even if you have told the CC company before.

As for Clive V's problems with automated pumps - the answer is you'll have to get a CB card Carte Bleu - at least for the next few years as France are coming over to the international standard but they will be very slow to adopt this as CB which really is chip and pin - have been very successful in France. The only way to get a CB card in the UK is to open a Bank Account with a French Bank - this is one way that frequent visitors to France get round the problem.


Monkey's Husband
its not so easy to open french bank account tried but they want a personal interview in france which is a lot of bother
Jun 12, 2005
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My Liverpool Vic card also failed in drance this year. Although it was new, also had to have LONG telephone calls to America to get a new a/c and card. It arrived promptly ans was fine in supermarkets. We use Nationwide card in ATM's as they don't charge interest in the EU. Also agree with problems at automatic petrol pumps. It can be difficult travelling on a Sunday off the Autoroute as virtually all garages are automatic only!!

Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. Users of LV affinity cards should note that - if they follow the pattern with the other partners that they are with CSMA - only EU transactions will be exchange charge free after 01.01.06.

I also forgot to mention that one French bank indicated it would have tanken a sterling cheque on a UK bank if supported with cheque guarantee card, but probably at considerable cost. Still it may be worth taking a UK cheque or two, just in case.


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