CROCS - Love em or Hate em???

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Mar 14, 2005
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What do you mean regarding tank tops Marc? I am still wearing mine from when I was a teanager. My wife washes and irons it for me so that I can escape a cold on the chest - cheaper than goose grease or Vick.
Mar 17, 2007
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If you people had real style you would do what I've been doing for years.... wear the green rubber gardening type shoes! When worn with a pair of shorts they really look the part. I have worn them into pubs, and you can see people just drooling over them - sometimes they even step back a few paces from me, so they can get a better look. Come on, get with it!!


Why wouldn't a caravanner want to wear these shoes, they're great! Light, bright, comforatable and easy to slip on and off, plus they can be worn in and around the pool/shower etc.

Both the wife and kids have a pair and I'm soon to join them. I should say I was going to get the dark blue ones but thought 'what the hell' and will buy orange ones......

Litespeed, the clock is ticking. It is only a matter of time before you own a pair.......
Jul 4, 2005
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This is Honestly True!! ....Unbelievable??!!

I was out with my wife yesterday and we were looking in a Surf Shop, I was looking at a pair or Reff Flip Flops and said I would like a pair for the caravan and how handy they would be for going to and from the showers.

She then confessed that she was about to buy me a pair of CROCS for Fathers Day from the kids!!! Does she not listen??

Safe to say weve not spoken since and I have now moved out on to the drive and I'm living in the caravan!!

Trouble is I keep getting wet feet every time I come in for a shower!

Were off to Woodlands in Devon this weekend.....I'll count how many pairs I see on site to see if its true and that Crocs are really aliens in disguise and are taking over the world...and are currently just sat there biding there time....waiting until the time is right....etc..etc..
Jul 4, 2005
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Hi Litespeed,

can you let me know how you get on at Woodlands, we're going there in July, (no crocs),


Hi gavin,

Woodlands is fantastic! We went there last year as well. The caravan site is very, very good, extremely well kept and well run with clean modern facilities.

The fun park is fantastic for both adults and kids with agood selection of both indoor and outdoor attractions.

You will have agreat time!! I'll report when I get back on Monday.


Simon (Litespeed)
Jul 4, 2005
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Well, just to up date you all. Ive just got back from 3 weeks in the French Alpes and I am happy to say that CROC's have still not plagued the Southern areas of France just yet, although a few of the Brits were spotted sporting them.

Safe to say that the Dutch and the Germans are still happy to wear their sandles complete 'of course' with calf length socks and have not yet succomed to the plague of CROC's!!!

Maybe its got something to do with Foot and Mouth and maybe we should have a cull across the UK to ensure the plague does not spread to mainland Europe!!!???

Please be vigilant, The CROC's are coming! and there out to take over the world!!! Asin the words of Grange Hill in the 80's ' JUST SAY NO!
Feb 17, 2007
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Crocs ARE spreading south ! Slowly ! Saw lots of them on a site near Bruges where they did make sense for going to and from the showers given the amount of standing water on site. (In fact it rained so heavily I wondered should we set off for the ferry - or wait for it to come to us !)

Now the warning. We spotted Croc type shoes on sale in a funny little shop in Blankenberge at 9 euros a pair ! Made in China - not real Crocs but look-a-likes.

O.M.G. ! ! Do you think they could have been alligators ?

P.S Litespeed - whereabouts in the French Alps ?
Mar 29, 2007
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I got presented with a light grey pair of crocs at the weekend much to my horror at the time. However after a trip to the beach on saturday with new crocs in tow, i seem to have been converted. I hate to admit it but they have been welded to my feet around the house all weekend, I'm not sure how long it will take for them to find a place in the caravan, at least there not bright red, pink or green.
Jul 4, 2005
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HI Mike and Alexander,

You've obviously not heeded my warnings, Yes, they are Comfy, Yes, they are ideal for the beach, Yes, they are ideal for the showers, Yes, they are ideal for the caravan......Its just that they look STUPID!!! Go on put them on and stand in front of the mirror.....thats right, you look like a clown with them on! Not that I would know, Ive never tried a pair on but I have been told!

Mike, we stayed on a site called 'Camping La Ravoir' at the bottom end of lake Annecy. Absolutley fantastic and have already booked for next year.
Aug 1, 2007
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LOVE my crocs for caravanning Brill in wet grass/showers/ and a MUST for jumping in puddles

Mine are ORANGE and as soon as i go shopping again going to get another pair

Feb 17, 2007
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Hi Litespeed,

The suggestion that I should stand in front of a mirror wearing Crocs adds a new dimension to this thread - I would look odd wearing only footwear of any kind in a mirror! Surprised the moderator has'nt clamped down on that one.

Thanks for your mention of La Raviore which led me to your posting of 17th. May and onwards to your interest in cycling. We caught the Tour De France at Thorigny-s-Oreuse last month. Often watched on T.V. - with the aerial and tracking shots it's like watching a travelogue - but you don't get the atmosphere. All the goodies being thrown to the spectators - just glad they handed the bottled water samples out rather than throwing them !

Looks like the Annecy area for us old crocks - sorry folk - next year.

Mike E
Dec 23, 2005
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Just come back from a weeks stay at the West Ayton CC site and on a trip into Scarborough, I noticed that most of the tat shops were selling copies of Crocs for a fiver.

I believe that some hospital surgeons wear Crocs (not brightly coloured ones!) because of the comfort they provide and their anti-bacterial properties.


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