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Mar 14, 2005
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Naw! - its been part of the family too long! Also with two large dogs and carting about lots of gear - I do not mind if mine gets a few knocks - just adds to the character. Mind you I have two people who want to buy it if I ever sell it. Not bad for a 22 yr old vehicle.

Could I do that to a new one - absolutely not. This one has real sheepskin carpets. My dogs would probably eat them.

I have looked at the P38 (2nd Generation RR) as they are affordable now, but they all come with leather and I like cloth seats. Leather is too slippery when off roading. I would like a nice basic, entry level RR but have not as yet found one.
Mar 14, 2005
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You have got to laugh havn't you!

A British Company makes a vehicle respected by all the emergency services and is used throughout the world by environmental agencies (including Greenpeace to tow ice from the north to the south - apparently to increase awarenes of global warming - NOW THAT WAS SENSIBLE GUYS!!!) and the bunny huggers want it banned because they can't read a spreadsheet.

Still 4x4 sales are ever increasing!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Instead of going down the American, "ooh, that's big = ooh, that's nice" route. Why not look at technology rather than these old fasioned heat engines.

Here's a great car that actualy cares about others, that's daring, that's inovative:-




Clive, still trying to stir up a debate? You careful wording is obviously designed to upset those that care about other people.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have my views Stinky - you have yours but for some reason you personalise things whereas most of us can see the bigger picture.

My comment was aimed at those who have "hijacked" the once noble aims of Greenpeace to pursue their own "anti" agenda.

After all, if Greenpeace are so against 4x4's, why did they use Land Rovers to tow 13 giant snowballs from Scotland to London where the snowballs were kept in cold storage (must have produced about 4 to 5 tonnes of CO2) Ultimately these snowballs were left to melt - apparently to "highlight the issue of climate change". See their website for more details.

I wonder what the total energy expenditure was on this pointless escapade?

As for "gas guzzling" - I am all for better fuels and better fuel economy - that is why, at my own expense I converted my RR to LPG. Miniscule emissions and the cost equivalent of 39 mpg!

How does that compare to what YOU drive Stinky?

And I am not alone. Look on Autotrader and a very high percentage of petrol Land Rovers (and other 4x4's) have been converted to dual fuel.

Lets say I go out and buy a Suzuki Wagon R - 660cc petrol engine. Should get 50mpg from that surely?

Wrong! - have a look at - owners are talking in terms of 31.3mpg!! And this vehicle could not fit all what I need to carry, could not tow the Ifor Williams trailer, let alone my caravan! My friend gets 27 mpg from his old TD200 Discovery. And of course keeping an older vehicle on the road saves the enormous amount of energy used to produce a new car!

I think you Anti's conveniently forget this fact when you advocate "Buy a car"

In fact a Suzuki Wagon could "hardly pull a fish out of water" to use a wonderful phrase used by another in a previous thread.

Most people have a 4x4 because it is more "fit for purpose" than any other vehicle. Some do buy them simply because they like them. You have a problem with that - I do not - this is where we differ.

With other just as large vehicles, or even larger on the roads what on earth are you doing by restricting your wrath at just one type of vehicle?

What about engine type? A diesel engine produces enormous amounts of particulate hydrocarbons - a truly noxious emission that is carcinogenic. But I do not see this being targeted?

I have long given up looking for a valid reason why the "Anti's" are against 4x4's - there isn't one when you look at ALL the data. For every silly "fact" you come up with against 4x4's there are similar facts that apply to a 2 wheel drive vehicle (The Chrysler Voyager - being a CLASSIC example - yes it carries 7 people but so does a Discovery and the Discovery is more fuel efficient, cheaper to run and will tow anything off a muddy wet field)

It's a bit like Marmite - you either love it or you hate it. Whereas most sensible people, if they don't like marmite just don't buy it - You and your friends would have it banned!

I would ask that you let us all know what you drive Stinky - Kanga has and I can confirm that emission wise and economy wise my LPG powered RR is less polluting and more efficient.

I think it is time for us ALL to put up or shut up. If a 4x4 related comment is made on this Forum, you and others pop up saying that we (Royal for the benefit of Merv) should keep quiet so as not to start the debate up again. I suggest that silencing the opposition suits you more than the real facts.

So, equivalent Running Costs of 39mpg, miniscule CO2 and water vapour!

Can you vehicle match that?
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh No - Surely NOT!

Are you suggesting that certain individuals are not telling the truth?

Well I am surprised.

Truly devastated

Gobsmacked even.

What is the world coming to?
Mar 14, 2005
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3 CARS!!!!!

Not even John Prescott has 3 CARS!!! He makes do with just 2.

and there's me thinking you were on a mission to save the planet.

God I feel let down.

How can you do it Kanga?
Mar 14, 2005
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Do you own a gas guzzling 3.0 litre car Kanga?

AND another two as well!!!

How on earth can you look at yourself in the mirror each morning (assuming you shave) if this is the case.

I am shocked!
Aug 28, 2005
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Come on Clive

"A British Company makes a vehicle respected by all the emergency services" is pushing it a bit far. nicked the "General Belgrano" my the traffic lads, it is good for recovering caravans i'll give you that but not for a pursuit!! the 4 ltr does under 10 mpg flat out Volvo V70 20-25 mpg

regards Monkeys Husband
Mar 14, 2005
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You repeat yourself Monkeys husband - you said this before - I never said LR's were as agile as other vehicles - I said it was more able than most.

From what I know of the Ambulance Service and Fire Service in the South West LR are used fairly extensively as command vehicles - because they can go anywhere. There is a 110 Defender sitting in my local Fire Station as I write - unless it is out on a shout.

The fact that Traffic Cops call the older RR's General Belgranos is not new - but it does not stop the fast response specialists using them either. Modern computerised suspension reduces the role to that of a car. Personally I even have no Anti-role bars on my RR because whilst it does role more as a result, the extra axle articulation enables me to negotiate more extreme terrain.

If you want to hear criticism ask a Traffic cop what they think of the Volvo estates! - Cumbersome - poor turning circle - OK in a straight line.

There is no magic vehicle that can do all tasks just as there is no magic wand that can get all people to agree!

Other wise we would all LOVE windbreaks - would we not!!

What I do not understand is why some people think that we must all think like them? Must have some kind of need for acceptance.
Aug 28, 2005
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I wasn't talking about Land Rovers, which are probably one of the finest inventions of the 20 centaury. However ask any traffic policeman, and my father was one; would they drive around in something that affords them the right to do their job in safety and to the best of their abilities or drive something because the maker has sold a number to the police authority on the cheap and the answer is pretty obvious.

Yes I have placed similar before but because of the pro and anti group it removed (purely because my comment happened to be in a debate that was removed).

By the way the Turning circle of a V70 is well with in Home office and Apco guidelines and you only have to see the number of privately owned by serving and /or ex police officers to know what a winner the V70/S60 are . It also used widely in European country's as an ambulance.

Monkeys husband


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