Damaged by Alko Hitch Lock

Aug 17, 2007
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We have had our new Senator since July and notched up a good few miles, all of which have been done with the Alko hitch lock in place. Wilst towing in London this weekend I was forced to vreak harshly and the lock struck the A frame plastic cover, causing a nasty crack.

The locks instructions clearly say that it can stay in place whilst towing, but now I look it is quite obvious that it shortens the distance the over-run mechanism can travel.

Not very happy

Sep 24, 2006
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Hi Phil..

I've just checked mine and you are not wrong...

However whilst locking the hitch whilst the vehicle is parked is a very good idea and potentially a requirement of your insurance. To have the hitchlock fitted whilst travelling is, I believe, in fact illegal in this country. As in the event of an accident the emergency services can not seperate the vehicles.

Regards Brian............
Aug 13, 2007
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Hi Brian,

Whilst I agree with you it is a pain in the bum for us to unhitch the car/van in a shunt, it is not illegal to tow with the hitch lock in place.

Graham W.
Mar 14, 2005
The AlKo hitchlock is a pretty standard item. The caravan manufacturer must be aware of its existence, so if it causes damage to the frame cover it's up to him to warn owners not to drive with a hitchlock fitted, not AlKo.
Mar 14, 2005
ps: Because of the danger of the fairing impairing movement of the coupling if a hitchlock is fitted and consequently preventing the overrun brakes from working correctly, I am surprised that the caravan manufacturer doesn't issue a warning anyway, for safety's sake.
Mar 14, 2005
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I fully agree with Lutz on this one,

Alko have been manufacturing the hitch and its locking mechanism for many years, and thus its size and operation is not only specified by Alko, it well known through experience.

The caravan manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that their additions to the chassis do not impede the operation of the hitch, and the associated braking systems.

In my view there should be clear warnings on the hitch or on the caravan or both about the use of the lock whilst travelling.
Aug 17, 2007
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I fully agree with Lutz on this one,

Alko have been manufacturing the hitch and its locking mechanism for many years, and thus its size and operation is not only specified by Alko, it well known through experience.

The caravan manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that their additions to the chassis do not impede the operation of the hitch, and the associated braking systems.

In my view there should be clear warnings on the hitch or on the caravan or both about the use of the lock whilst travelling.
Looks like you guys may be right. I made a claim against Alko and received quickly this reply.

"I am sorry to hear of the issue that you have experienced but would assure you that there is no design fault with either the lock or the stabiliser.

The problem has arisen I would surmise - having not inspected the unit - because the A frame cover has been fitted too far forward. The A frame cover is fitted using slotted brackets so that it can be adjusted and if it is fitted too far forward then when braking occurs contact can be made by either the stabiliser./coupling or indeed the lock.

As this issue is not due to any manufacturing fault or material fault with either of our products then I am afraid there is nothing that I can do in respect of any claim."

I haven't checked the location of the A frame cover yet, but it looks like it's over to a warrenty claim next.
Aug 17, 2007
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I am sorry to hear of the issue that you have experienced but would assure you that there is no design fault with either the lock or the stabiliser.

The problem has arisen I would surmise - having not inspected the unit - because the A frame cover has been fitted too far forward. The A frame cover is fitted using slotted brackets so that it can be adjusted and if it is fitted too far forward then when braking occurs contact can be made by either the stabiliser./coupling or indeed the lock.

As this issue is not due to any manufacturing fault or material fault with either of our products then I am afraid there is nothing that I can do in respect of any claim.


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