damp bailey caravans

Apr 24, 2007
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Is anyone still having or had problems with Bailey series 5 pageants suffering from damp?

Our experience and support from baileys has been very poor to say the least. Our Vendee damp problem was reported on 4th April (1st years service), bailey could only carry out repair from June 25th at the earliest and this would take 4 weeks, at this moment in time (13th August)we STILL have not got our van back and baileys attitude is appalling. We are booked to go away this weekend (18th August) and all Baileys will tell us is that "it will be ready"!!!

So much for customer support
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Alan,

Sorry to read of your problems related to damp with your series 5 Pageant, where abouts in your van did the damp readings occur.

I think you have struck unlucky with the company closing for holidays, bit old fashioned in this modern world, where companys stagger there summer holidays.

Reason for asking I am taking my series 5 Ranger in on 20th August for its first service, will advise whether it passed okay.

My previous van was a Pageant Imperial which suddenly showed a high damp reading around the kitchen window, nowhere else, We used to hang the portable plastic coated clothes line from that window, Which may have been the cause, new window seals where fitted, never used that clothes line again and the damp reading returned within the normal range.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Alan,

Never heard of a problem with Baileys before,may I suggest that you write a letter to the Managing Director outlining your problem may sure you register the letter when you send it and hopefully you'll get a better answer to your complaint and to hopefully to your satisfaction.Good Luck and happy caravanning.Jim
Aug 4, 2004
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Recourse does not lie with the manufacturer. You need to take it up with the dealer.

If you do write a letter to the MD it should be one complaining about the servcie from the delaer and not the manufacturer as per the Sales of Goods Act.

If the caravan is on HP advise the HP company that there is an issue with the goods as they are the owners, not you. They in turn will hassle the dealer.

Although we do not own a Bailyers, I have not heard of damp in a Baileys but it has a 6 year ingress warranty.
Apr 24, 2007
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Hello Royston,

The damp was in the front panel where it joins at the roof, the panel was cracked allowing moisture in. There was no sign at all inside the caravan.

We have written letters to baileys and the caravan supplier (all registered) requesting a replacement van under the sale of goods act as the damp was only found on it's first service and was probably there when we purchased it as it was a 2005 van we bought early in 2006. the van has a 6 year warranty that bailey has honoured and is replacing the front end panel, but there is always the thought that it may re-appear elswhere later. bailey have admitted that they "have had a few problems but mainly on the ranger series 5" (I quote from a letter recieved from baileys in April).

We have just heard today from baileys that our van will be returned to our dealer tommorow.
Sep 16, 2006
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My 2006 Ranger 550/6 had 80% damp in the front end due found on the first service in 2007, due to Baileys delays in booking in (high volumes of warranty work)our dealer completed a temporary repair which has also failed. Now inside the front lockers you can now almost put your finger through the wall boards, I so took up legal advice and got an independant report, outcome - taking the finance compnay to court for a replacement.
Aug 13, 2007
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my father in law has a 2007 ranger when he took it in for its service they told on collection it needs to be returned to bailey for a new front panal, apparantley there are cracks appearing causing damp, also while on hoilday over the last fortnight some friends we made have a friend with the same fault

Jul 8, 2007
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Our year old discovery 400 has to have the front end replaced due to a crack at the awning rail, the dealer has advised they've plastered it with sealant and they'll ring when the parts come in. I'm hoping for a decent service from the dealer as they have a good reputation.
Apr 24, 2007
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saw your original comments a month or so ago and I hope it all goes well for you.

We picked up our caravan today from our dealer who had washed it ready for us. I must say it looks like a good repair job and the dealer even tested for damp for me and all was o.k.

Fingers crossed for the future.

best of luck to those of you who have problems and are waiting for Bailey to get round to repairing them for you, it's a pity they can't get their act together, carry out the repair quicker and at least APOLOGISE !!!


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