Data protection act and the C&CC

Feb 9, 2009
just had the renewal from the Camping & Caravanning club and phoned them to ask the last 4 digits of the account the money I coming out of so I can check it has been paid but was told I could not have this info due to the data protection act.
What a load of *****, for all I know they may be trying to take the money from a closed account.
Every one tries to hide behind the data protection act now days.
Jun 20, 2017
Im totally fed up of the sheer amount of emails ive received due to the new laws recently introduced.

Nov 11, 2009
Kevin2306 said:
Im totally fed up of the sheer amount of emails ive received due to the new laws recently introduced.


Agree but what a delight to unsubscribe from so many and with a submit button that seems to work fir once and is relatively easy to find. Although some still want you to visit their site to tell them the obvious”bye bye”.
Jun 20, 2017
To be fair Clive ive not been opening the emails, straight to delete for me so as you say it should reduce spam etc.

Mar 24, 2014
Went to the small company today who supplied our garden shed 17 years ago. We wanted to know if they could supply a new floor as ours has gone rotten, but the rest is as good as the day we bought it.
Before we left i had to sign a form agreeing to them having our details on file so they know where to deliver to. The worlds gone mad!!!!!
Nov 11, 2009
thedoog1 said:
Went to the small company today who supplied our garden shed 17 years ago. We wanted to know if they could supply a new floor as ours has gone rotten, but the rest is as good as the day we bought it.
Before we left i had to sign a form agreeing to them having our details on file so they know where to deliver to. The worlds gone mad!!!!!

I can sympathise with small businesses. The Information Commissioner when interviewed said many small businesses had not done anything even though there was two years grace as they are not all geared up to understanding the detail of the regulations and so they have either not done anything or have over reacted. If they were to contact the IC helpdesks they would be able to talk through suitable methodology. But it’s not easy running a small business with the plethora of regulatory requirements in addition to HMRC.
Jun 20, 2005
The General Data Protection Regulation is a typical EU paranoid piece of burdensome legislation. It is there for very good reason as we all know. Our small local pub Fund Charity raises money by way of selling raffle tickets for meat. I now have to make sure our manual telephone book of members is kept locked in the pub safe all the time other than when with a Trustee is selling tickets. Also we can only write a phone number or a name only on the ticket. Since the 25th May we have some cards on all the tables explains the new regulation.
No one is untouched. And how much has Brussels cost us all :woohoo: :evil:
Mar 8, 2017
Dustydog said:
The General Data Protection Regulation is a typical EU paranoid piece of burdensome legislation. It is there for very good reason as we all know. Our small local pub Fund Charity raises money by way of selling raffle tickets for meat. I now have to make sure our manual telephone book of members is kept locked in the pub safe all the time other than when with a Trustee is selling tickets. Also we can only write a phone number or a name only on the ticket. Since the 25th May we have some cards on all the tables explains the new regulation.
No one is untouched. And how much has Brussels cost us all :woohoo: :evil:

The GDPR is a very good piece of legislation that is UK law designed to protect your personal data from being used and sold by only those that you have given the right to do so; limits on that racket are long overdue.

Change is always difficult to absorb.