Dell Caravan Park

Mar 14, 2005
Hi all we are off to the Dell caravan park tomorrow morning,

spoke to the owner today regarding time of arrival, he said we cac get there anytime after 9am and he will bethere to see us on.

Never been there before just hoping the snow blizards hold off till we get there, paid £30 deposit.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Rick, we been to the Dell Caravan Park few years ago, and it had change owners since then, but you need to use your car for to get anywhere, you can walk in to the village but footpath not very good and do take a pair of ear plug as you are only a mile off the A14, lots of heavy lorrys use that route, The snow at the moment in Cambridge is round 3' but most road and A14 is clear, But they do talk of more snow for the month of Feb,

Enjoy it Trevor


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