Hi simon, we only got our new alhambra 4 weeks ago so its not yet run in properly but a friend of mine who has a golf told me about a power upgrade that he has on his golf. my engine is the vw group 1.9 tdi pd 130 bhp, this engine as it stands is outstanding towards my old galaxy 115 bhp tdi but i decided to check out the upgrade so off i went to AWSOME GTI, in manchester, had a chat and was shown the box, i was surprised to see that this particular upgrade was done vie the diagnostics socket in the dashboard, it was simply a case of connect the box push a button and 3 minuites later the mod was done. i took the car for a quick drive and the difference was unbelievable, i originally had 130 bhp and 245 ppf of torque i now had 172 bhp and 389 ppf of torque, on top of this a claimed increase in fuel economy of 10%, but the best bit was the torque now came in at 1600 rpm rather than 2000 as previous. this is great for us as when we got the car in to sixth gear with the van on the back we found we had no power as the revs where only 1800 which meant constantly changing down to fith gear on hills. after the test the engineer simply pressed another button on the box and my car was returned to its existing settings and nobody was any the wiser that i had had the upgrade fitted so my warranty was safe. the only downside to this mod is that the box does have to stay on the socket for it to work but my socket is out of sight so not too much of a problem. i've now ordered my own box to be fitted when the cars done a couple of thousand miles and can't wait to have the benefit of the extra power and fuel economy. One point though simon, you should of course inform your insurance company that you have upgraded the power as i was adviced that they are now wise to this and they do check vehicles are subject to a claim. obviously if you where able you could just disconnect the box at the scene of an accident but its not really worth it for a few extra pounds on the premium. PS, we ordered an espace 2.2 but renault in stockport quoted 12 weeks delivery so we cancelled and bought the alhambra, shame i would have liked to try one.