Disappearing posts

May 24, 2014
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I have had two posts either removed or they have disappeared due to some glitch. One was in answer to Damians thread about using quotes, and I cannot see anything whatsoever offensive or contentious in my answer. The second, posted last night was in answer to the thread questioning "Travel in Italy", and again I cant see that there was anything that could be construed as inappropriate. I know the post was there, because I edited it.

I would suggest that if the posts were removed due to moderation, then of course one would expect some feedback as to the reasons. Or do we have Gremlins, it is a Caravan forum afterall.
May 24, 2014
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Strange, having just checked five mins later, the Italy post is showing. Im not going mad, because i checked from both desktop and mobile. And I was logged in.
Nov 11, 2009
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No your not imagining things or being moderated. I have had it a number of times. I hit Post Reply and all seems okay. But later the post may not be visible but eventually it appears. It seems to have become noticeable over the last couple of weeks.
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Mar 14, 2005
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First of all may I say that no posts have been removed from either the mentioned places due to moderation.

As far as the posts relating to using quotes, there were two entries in different parts of the forum, which were merged, and I think that something happened in the merger and a couple of replies went missing in action.

If any posts are moderated for any reason, both Parksy and myself would make that clear at the time.

Sorry for any inconvenience, hopefully we will not have too many problems in the future...….(keeps fingers crossed).
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Nov 12, 2009
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The Italy post was there ver early this morning Thingy.
I got up for a hey diddle diddle at 04:30 and I had a quick check over the forum via my phone before I settled back down, because Spam posts often appear in the small hours. ( was going to say the wee small hours but thought better of it 😊 )
Sure enough I caught a spammer in the act, banned him and deleted his two posts from the number plate thread.
I read the advice about touring in Italy and was impressed with the good inside information that Thingy provided.
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Jan 28, 2020
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The reason why postings in the “Travelling in Italy” thread have apparently disappeared and reappeared is because there are two such threads. On February 4 forum member Panda272 seems to have submitted identical enquiries on the Overseas Parks & Touring forum and on the Regional chit-chat /Europe/ Italy forum.

The former thread currently has 3 posts ( 2 from panda272 and 1 from me) while the latter thread has 5 posts (3 from panda272 and 2 from Thingy).

If I select the latter thread I might wonder where my single post has gone, and if Thingy selects the former thread he might wonder where his two posts have disappeared to.
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