Disgruntled Disco Driver

Sep 13, 2007
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We recently spent the Bank Holiday in Pembroke and were particulary incensed to find, on returning to the car park from a particularly nice walk along the coastal path that someone had left a leaflet on our car - "Poor Vehicle Choice" A dirty and Dangerous Car (as you should know). These people know absolutely nothing about our life style and our reason behind our choice of car.

We drive a British made Discovery towing a British made Bailey Senator Caravan. Had we decided to spend our disposable income jetting off for long weekends to warmer clims and then, possibly a long haul trip from time to time, we would have remained anonymous and not an easy target for these people.

We do have a social conscience and appreciate the affect global warming is having but leaflets like these really make me .
Aug 12, 2007
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Hi Lyn

My brother, who owns a Disco, had a similar leaflet put on his car while it was parked in his driveway at home! (He lives in Surrey, which is full of 4x4s....!).

We have a Range Rover, which is gas converted and thus more economical and eco-friendly to run. If someone put a leaflet like that on our car I would be incensed.......
Jul 3, 2006
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That is awful - really annoys me the way people think they can judge what you do without knowing the slightest thing about your circumstances.

As you say caravan holidays are really environmentally friendly much more so that anyone flying off anywhere yet you don't see these leafleters banging them on business men who fly to meetings as easily as you are I hop in the car to go to tescos.

Puts you in a bad mood when you want to tell them all this and yet they are so cowardly that they can't even hand it to you to discuss what they mean but slip it on and run away when you aren't there to defend yourselves.
Apr 13, 2005
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They are every where lyn, just ignore them.

They stuck the same leaflet on my alhambra in manchester while it was parked in the staff car park so they where trespassing and it shows a complete lack of knowledge that these prats have as my car does in excess of 50 mpg solo and 35 + towing.

You will never change them they are just jelous lazy good for nothing idiots who really should get a job and have a wash.
Nov 4, 2004
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At least you only had a leaflet,i have a friend who works in a bodyshop and they have had a few 4x4's in with slogans scratched into the paintwork!


Nov 12, 2009
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Has anyone noticed how in recent times it always seems to be the tail wagging the dog in this country. It doesn't matter whether its animal rights extremists, anti airport protestors, eco nazis or any other lunatic section outside mainstream society norms, they always get loads of media coverage. Before you can say Ken Livingstone their crackpot ideas become official Government policy.
Jul 20, 2007
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Ouch! first time I've heard of this sort of leafleting - and no wonder you're mad!, I always find myself getting angry whenever I hear about the antics of the smug self-satisfied tree huggers!

It's a disturbing sign of things to come, though - today it's your car, tomorrow it will certainly be your caravan. 'A bad choice of holiday, polluting and bad for the planet, blah, blah, blah....'

The writing is well and truly on the wall for roaming around with a caravan in tow at 25 mpg, IMO.


Put a sign on the windshield.

'My other car is a Trabbie, which would you I rather drove, moron?'
Nov 26, 2006
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I think you must have got some weirdos on holiday.

Down here in Pembroke is farming country, and stiff with 4x4 - never ever heard of this leafletting.

Still, when all is said and done, if you get a bad reaction to your disco, perhaps you should lose the glitterball, turn off the smoke machine, and change the white flared suit.
May 12, 2006
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Looks like Caravan Site layouts will need to be changed. So we can put our Vans in a Circle like they did in the Wild West to keep the tree huggers out !!!



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