doggie arthritis


Mar 17, 2007
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Anyone who thought this post was about a "position" for older people is about to be disappointed. You know who you are :)

Our mutt, (border collie cross aged 12+) has been rather stiff and slower moving of late, so off we went to the vet. Of course as soon as she got onto the table she knew exactly what was coming next-thermometer up the bum-and was like a dog posessed. No sign of soreness and stiffness. The vet managed to examine her against the odds and diagnosed arthritis and prescribed the tablets. Seem to be helping.

Anyway, you know how we take glucosamine and what have you. Can anyone recommend an over the counter food supplement suitable for old dogs. Forgot to ask the vet.



Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mel

My ***** now aged 11 has had arthritis in her offside hip for a few years now.

I had all the xrays done etc and the vet prescribed wonder pills. They cost
May 18, 2006
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The last time my 6 year old dog was at the vets he said that some joint movement was getting a bit restricted and suggested that I bought Glucosamine tablets from the net rather than him subscribe them. He said they were so much cheaper than from a vets.

I now buy the tablets in bulk. The site I buy them from do tablets for humans as well as animals.



Mar 17, 2007
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Thanks Lisa and Graeme. OH has some glucosamine in the cupboard for his creaky joints. I'll try a quarter tablet on the dog.

Oct 30, 2009
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hi mel

read your post sounds very familier little tazzy (our 14yo cairn terrier) has had arthritis for the last 5 years she got very stiff around the back end, and would not walk more than a few yards at a time. after spending
Dec 14, 2006
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Our old border collie, Meg, had quite severe arthritis in her hips from when she was six or seven - but this was helped with the Glucosamine that Mr Val A takes for his 'knobbly knuckles - arthritic of course). The Vet said that the make/manufacture he was using was 'fine for dogs' - and cost much less than the canine version. I think this helped her symptoms, and she was eventually also prescribed Prednoleucotropin by the vet - a steroid which really did make an enormous difference.

Sadly early this year she developed a large tumour on her back, and after a few months it was obvious that she was in discomfort so we had to make the sad decision about 'her last day'. She still barked at the postman though on her last morning with us! She had fifteen and a half good years with us *a good innings for a border collie, and we still miss her.
Aug 6, 2005
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Our two Golden Retrievers both have forms of Arthritis. Tora, 12 years old, has it all along her spine and Jodi, 11, has recently developed it in her leg where she had an operation some years ago. Both are on Metacam, an anti imflamitory, and take Glucosomine. Originally I gave them Glucosomine suitable for humans, but recently started them on a specific dog type called Cortiflex which I get off the internet, but is quite expensive. However the difference is quite amazing and both have responded well to it. This time last year, Tora was very bad and was suffering all sorts of problems and I began to wonder if the time had come for her final visit to the vets. Someone recommended a magnetic collar, so I thought it worth a try and got one. Within 24 hours the change in her was nothing short of a miracle and she is still managing very well. When I mentioned to the vet about the improvement when I changed to a more expensive type of Glucosamine, she said the cheap stuff is just that - cheap and of little use. Thinking of getting some for myself now.
Jan 19, 2008
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Gill said "Thinking of getting some for myself now".

That's ok taking them Gill but please stop when you start chasing cars, salivating when passing an abbatoir or humping someones leg.
Aug 12, 2008
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Try devil's claw - i get mine from holland and barratt for susie our 13yr old greyhound. she has one capsule per 10kg of bodyweight so that for her is 3 capsules a day. we've noticed a marked difference in her sprightlyness since beginning with these :)


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