Duvets for sale -brilliant prices

Jan 2, 2009
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Following a post on another forum I went to my local Sainsbury's this morning and bought a double 13.5tog duvet for the princely sum of £6. It will be perfect for our new fixed bed Lunar which should arrive in the Spring. Winter caravanning here we come!!


A bargain is only a bargain, if it does what you want. The cheap duvets are probably going to be filled with synthetic filling, probably foam. That is fine for heat retention purposes but it will not mould around you as a feather duvet will do. You may also find it is less 'breatheable' and maybe too hot under certain circumstances. We did look at them, and those in Morrison's but what was the point if it does not give you a good night's sleep, and you end up dumping it?. I stillbelieve that you tend to get what you pay for in most circumstances, although if I see a trade name at half price that i want, then I am in there.

We use 2 duvets, a heavy weight feather one for the cold and a synthetic lightweight for the heat. We swop them top and bottom depending on the temperature.

We have just bought a new 10.5 TOG feather one for the van, but we purchased ours at John Lewis in the sales. I fully admit my
Jan 2, 2009
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Scotch Lad - the duvet is certainly a bargain. I don't like feather duvets because they make me sneeze - and you wouldn't want to be woken by me sneezing if you were next door to us! So a good quality synthetic duvet suits me just fine. Each to their own.
Dec 3, 2009
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I have to agree with Annie - I have no feather duvets or pillows in my house at all as both my daughter and I suffer with asthma and feather quilts/pillows are very good as ruining a good nights sleep!

I always have a problem in a hotel as invariably, the bed is bedecked with feathers - always have to ask for either a foam or hypo-allergenic one!!!


The choice is yours, as you state. I did have a closer look at the 'bargains' in Morrisons and note they are filled with 'synthetic material' which I guess is some form of polystyrene beads. However, I can only question the economic ability to make an item, such as a duvet for
May 2, 2005
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I reckon this will be a loss leader product.....think thats what they call it.

It gets shoppers in the door and they make profit on other goods bought......


Supermarkets do not have 'loss leaders'. Their suppliers may indeed take a 'hit', and are usually informed without discussion, but not the supermarket itself. Believe me, with family inside one of the 'biggies' I know. Remember the normal average mark up on food is over 30%, on clothes it is over 100% and on anything with a 'designer' label it is 300%. So a 'bargain' is only a bargain if you compare it to the previous price, which you may or may not have actually seen. Even 'BOGOF' s will return a profit margin.
Apr 2, 2005
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Hi Annie,

A big thank-you for your posting - we have just been to Sainsbury's for our "bargain" duvet. We actually bought 2. One for myself & the wife & one for the kids to share.

Let us now of any other bargains that you come across!!
Jan 2, 2009
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Hi Annie,

A big thank-you for your posting - we have just been to Sainsbury's for our "bargain" duvet. We actually bought 2. One for myself & the wife & one for the kids to share.

Let us now of any other bargains that you come across!!
My pleasure. Glad you got 2 good bargains!!


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