e-go motor mover -v- a-n-other

Jul 21, 2015
We have just taken ownership of a 2008 Swift Challenger 530, which is an upgrade(!) for our 1992 Challenger. During the search to find the new 'van, we became aware of motor movers - I know, but we tend to keep ourselves away from the madding crowd. We would be eternally grateful to receive your comments and/or advices as to which mover you rate and why. Initially, we were going for the Powrtouch, as that seems to be the big brand. However, we've now seen the E-go - would you say the lower cost is a guide to its ability or otherwise to do the job? Pensioners/fixed income so need to choose wisely as can't afford to replace at the drop of a hat. Finally, if reviews and comments are to be found elsewhere, please direct us - we've searched but found nothing ;) Thank you.


Nov 12, 2009
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Click Here to read a previous topic concerning motor movers and there is more on the E-go motor mover Here from our friends on another caravan related forum.
Dec 11, 2009
I have an Ego mover, now on it's second 'van, and it has been faultless. I can't comment on the aftersales service as I've never had to use it. Most posters will recommend Powrtouch because of their excellent after sales service. There seems to be a lot of people who have had to use it. The choice is yours. ;)
Jul 21, 2015
Hear what you're saying, chrisbee1 - thank you for taking the time to respond. Its so much better when an end-user gives their review. Instructions now issued to Husband to go get one sorted!! Again, thank you x x
Feb 27, 2011
Hi Mommabear (and anyone else thinking of the e-go mover!)
We have one and it is on its third caravan. It is a fantastic kit and more than capable of propelling our unit up slopes and over kerbs.
All I have to do to avoid the rollers slipping is ensure that the units are would quite tight onto the tyres; there are indicators - yellow off, green engaged, red past engagement. I have always found that the mover copes with any surface when I have it wound right into the red, seems to do no harm.
One feature of the system is that during moving the caravan around, if there is a delay between moves, the remote tends to switch itself off with a long beep. It is no problem, just press the on button again and off you go.
We paid £580 for ours including delivery, from Homestead Caravans, but that was a few years ago!
HTH anyone
Jul 21, 2015
thank you, Petemate, I'll copy your words of advice and hand them to Husband. I truly appreciate your words of wisdom and always much prefer a personal view point. again, thank you x x


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