Elegance 645 - poor stereo sound

Aug 14, 2017
Recently purchased a 2015 Elegance 645 & well pleased with it except for one thing - poor sound quality from the stereo. Whilst I fully appreciate that sound, especially bass, needs a space to resonate through I can't believe a premium caravan is lacking in this area. The speakers in the bathroom sound better!
What have other owners done to improve the system? In our 2005 Abbey Spectrum we used to play the tv through the system and it was magic, given that the speakers were only 3" diameter.
Any suggestions/ recommendations gratefully received
Oct 12, 2013
Hi stuart ,
have noticed in ours that you've got to go into the equaliser settings (if you haven't already done this) program the base and the trebble the way you like it , otherwise it just comes on sounding tinny and like you say not very well , but once I have the settings sorted , the base is quite good and just how I like it, we only have 2 or 3 speakers in ours but sounds good enough when sorted ,


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