- Jul 23, 2021
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Unfortunately the wind and solar farms are not free as someone has to pay for them and as this is the UK and on many occasions they are ineffective.
Of course they are not free- neither are combined gas cycle power plants or nuclear reactors or any other form of power generation. But wind and solar are undeniably cheaper per kW installed and kWh produced over their life cycle than any other form of generation.
Wind is not effective when its not blowing (and extremely rare occurrence accross the whole of the UK, north sea and surrounding coastline. Solar doesnt work when its night or cloudy. I have never know a tide to fail yet. Gas is ineffective when its too expensive or you can't get it because a foreign state turns it off.
Your energy bill is tied to the gas price, not the wind price.
This not about lifestyle, or green choice, it's about energy security and cost. Wind power is cheaper and more abundant than gas and coal.The greenies have a lot to answer for when the country is not ready to embrace the green style they demand.
Wind and solar are 30-50% cheaper than thought, admits UK government
The most striking result of the new 2020 report is that BEIS has once again slashed its estimates for the levelised cost of wind and solar power. This is illustrated in the chart, below.
The break even for a new wind farm is about 10 years. They can be as low as 4-5 or as high as 13. They have a predicted initial lifespan of about 25 years. Thats initial lifespan, in the same way a new car has an initial life span of about 140K miles. Then you look to see what needs replacing and if it is cost effective to keep going, and do so.Apparently the break even point for wind or solar farms is about 20 years however by that time they need to be replaced. What do we then do with the junk from these places?
Ripple Energy: Super simple. Powerfully green.
Own part of a wind farm and get affordable, zero-carbon electricity to your home via the grid.
What do we do with the junk? We recycle it. What do we do with the junk from any other industrial unit? What do we do with the junk from coal and gas plants? We let it escape into the air. What do we do with the junk from Nuclear generation? We hide it in disused mines hoping that no-one will notice and it will be fine until it's not our problem any more. Why do people fixate on the idea of wind turbines being so terrible for the environment? It's an entirely blinkered view.
Current installed capacity of Wind in the UK - 47.8 GWSomehow I doubt if all the current wind farms and solar farms can generate enough power for all the large bakeries in one day as they are big consumers of electric amongst other places. I wonder if the greenies will be happy to go without bread if there is no wind or sunshine for days on end?
Current installed capacity of Combined gas cycle turbine plants in the UK - 31.8 GW
Peak demand in the UK in the last year 35.5 GW.
National Grid: Live
Shows the live status of Great Britain’s electric power transmission network
Ironically, if you got rid of gas, your bakery would not have enough power. With renewables, it might.
Total provision of renewable energy in the UK in 2020 (excluding Nuclear) 43.2%
Total provision of Fossil energy in the UK in 2020 39%
Total provison of Nuclear in the UK in 2020. 16.1%
Building a new Nuclear plant takes about 30 years.We should have more nuclear stations for generation of power as we do not have enough in the UK which is why we have to im port electric from France and other countries.
Building a new windfarm takes about 2 years .
How long do you want to wait?