I've trawled the web and found lots of basic info, lots of opinion and lots of conflicting advice from various associations and insurance providers. However, I'm keen to understand what I legally NEED to have with me when doing my Euro tour.
Will be driving with a caravan to the following countries.
UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Belgium.
So all Europe, but not all EU.
I've had a driving license since 1986
Car and caravan are well matched and neither will be overloaded. Car is 2008.
My legal kit was going to consist of:-
2x Warning triangles
4x hi-viz jackets
1x first aid kit
1x fire extinguisher
1x set of bulbs which will fit everything
v5 for car
Criss doc for van
Insurance docs for both
Driving license
EHIC cards
Euro breakdown/recovery for car and caravan
What have I missed? I have heard of various licenses and permits to increase allowable speed etc. Don't intend to do major cities so hopefully don't need permits for that.
Would you recommend getting a tag for the toll roads? Is there one that works for all or do I need one per country. How do they work when towing so I don't get the barrier down on the a-frame.
It's proving difficult to get up to date trustworthy information but I suspect the collective wisdom on here will be there or there abouts.
Will be driving with a caravan to the following countries.
UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Belgium.
So all Europe, but not all EU.
I've had a driving license since 1986
Car and caravan are well matched and neither will be overloaded. Car is 2008.
My legal kit was going to consist of:-
2x Warning triangles
4x hi-viz jackets
1x first aid kit
1x fire extinguisher
1x set of bulbs which will fit everything
v5 for car
Criss doc for van
Insurance docs for both
Driving license
EHIC cards
Euro breakdown/recovery for car and caravan
What have I missed? I have heard of various licenses and permits to increase allowable speed etc. Don't intend to do major cities so hopefully don't need permits for that.
Would you recommend getting a tag for the toll roads? Is there one that works for all or do I need one per country. How do they work when towing so I don't get the barrier down on the a-frame.
It's proving difficult to get up to date trustworthy information but I suspect the collective wisdom on here will be there or there abouts.